Hey all, gotta have another little moan again! Firstly, on a - TopicsExpress


Hey all, gotta have another little moan again! Firstly, on a positive note, the gig tonight in Manchester was FANTASTIC. You guys were so so lovely and excitable and it made a lasting impression on us. I cant wait to come back. However, this is another thing that sort of goes off of my previous rant about the meet and greets at the end. Im fully saying this off of my own back and this isnt meant to be personal, so please respect that I say this with a massive amount of love: 1) The only way we can meet as many people as possible is if the time we spend with each person is very short. It is literally a hello, hug, signing //OR// photo and a hug goodbye. We are talking about 20 seconds. I dont want it to be that way. NONE of us do. But that is the only way to meet you all in the short amount of time that we have. So that said - if you dont have your cameras ready, we cant wait around for you to scramble for your phone out of your pocket and turn the camera on and oh wait thats on the wrong camera hold on could one of you take it for me IT IS NOT FAIR ON THE PEOPLE BEHIND YOU. If many people take that long (and sadly, its been happening) people behind you are missing out. We also cant could you sign six things for my friends and could you say happy birthday to my friend on a video and sign shirts AND take selfies AND group photos! I really hope this makes sense. Wed love to talk to you properly, but it just hasnt been possible with the time constraints we have! Dave has actually lost his voice from shouting tonight about having things ready and for it to either be a selfie or a signing. And he needs that pretty voice for singing. :( If you come alone, it HAS to be a selfie. Tonight, Dave had to basically act as a photographer instead of meeting people who wanted to see him, and thats NOT FAIR. Dave, Nick nor any security are there to take photos of us. Please bear that in mind. Also, one camera per like four people because you all ran out of battery on your phones takes a lot of time and confuses our order of meeting people! Please save battery and use your own phone! And please, if your friend absolutely HAS to take a photo for you, please teach them how to use the camera before you get to us! These little things are really helpful for us and every second saved helps! 2) Secondly - again, Ive had reports of people pushing and being disrespectful of each other in the queues tonight. That is 100% unacceptable. You dont push forward, you dont cut in front of people, and you respect peoples personal space. Thats not me being an arse, thats common decency. Anyone seen to be disrespectful of this will actually be removed from the venue. Rushing and pushing doesnt get you there any faster. It hurts people. Every gig has been amazing. Meet and greets have at times been challenging. If youre coming to a gig in the next few days, were super excited to see you and play for you! Please bear this info in mind to avoid disappointment! Emma
Posted on: Tue, 27 May 2014 23:07:14 +0000

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