Hey brothers and sisters of YFC Australia! ONLY 1 MORE DAY TO GO! - TopicsExpress


Hey brothers and sisters of YFC Australia! ONLY 1 MORE DAY TO GO! I My name is Keiffer Danao and I’ve been serving the YFC community for 7 years. I’m currently serving as a Household Head for Hawkesbury in NSW as well as your Voice Over for YCON 2014! I’ve been to 3 conferences (GLF’08, OYC’11 and YCON’12) and I want to share my experience of OYC’11 ‘For The King’ which was held in Sydney. OYC’11 was the most memorable for me because I was asked to lead the Closing Worship on the Saturday night. Before I go into that, at the start of the 2011, I was asked to serve in the High School Base Program and step up to become a HPV (High School Base Program Volunteer). For me at the time, I was scared to say ‘Yes’ because I had little experience leading worships, and never led an entry camp. Praise God however, I said ‘Yes’. Little did I know, this one ‘Yes’ changed my life around. During that year, I was blessed to serve with a household of inspiring brothers and sisters in the HSB Program who serve in different mission areas of NSW and also to lead for the first time my own entry camp for my mission area where I was given the opportunity to also lead my first worship and also a camp talk session. Praise God that the entry camp brought 30 new participants into the community! Shortly after that entry camp, I received a phone call from the cluster head at the time and he asked “Hey Keiffer, can you lead Closing Worship for the Saturday Night at OYC?” I was overwhelmed with a lot of feelings of unworthiness and doubt. ‘Why was I chosen? I don’t feel worthy… What if I make a fool out of myself?’ However, the cluster head offered this inspiring advice. That brother said: “There are times where we struggle the obstacles we try to conquer. Even Jesus experienced it but Jesus trusted in the Lord with all his heart and not lean towards His own understanding. The Lord’s holy presence will pick us up from our falls and failures as He will set our hearts on fire to love, serve and glorify Him.” Immediately after he finished talking, my uncertainty was gone and without giving it any more thought, I said ‘Yes’. The Saturday night of OYC’11, when I stepped onto the stage in front of over 800 brothers and sisters, I immediately looked behind me and I looked up to what was the most beautiful and remarkable display I’ve ever seen. For those who weren’t at the conference at the time, at the back of the stage was the face of Jesus. When I arrived at the start of conference and saw that, it looked incredible, but standing on stage that night, I was in awe. During the worship, I couldn’t stop smiling because it was a blessing to see such an amazing sight of every brother and sister there to witness, serve and worship with Christ, our Savior and King. Jesus faced many trials during in His lifetime but Jesus didn’t give up and overcame those hardships. He helped those who were poor in spirit, cured the sick and blessed the unfortunate and this is what the YFC community is all about! Molded in image of God, we are brothers and sisters being and bringing Christ wherever we go! The YFC journey has been filled with laughter, joy and happiness from meeting new brothers and sisters to the struggles that were faced along the way to the victories that have been won which brings all glory to our Lord! Just a shoutout to my mission partners from that time, Faith Estera, Wayne Guevara and Laura Cheri as well as my household heads from HSB and the Community, Len Lara, Raimie Caramancion, Joseph Reyes and Lorraine Miranda. A massive thank you for your service, inspiration and spiritual guidance brought onto this community! Brothers and Sisters! Let us truly celebrate the 20 years of this amazing community that God has given us! I can’t wait to see you all this weekend! Until then, God Bless all of you!
Posted on: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 03:56:17 +0000

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