Hey everyone! Happy new year! I hope 2015 brings everything you - TopicsExpress


Hey everyone! Happy new year! I hope 2015 brings everything you could want! With all that is going on in the world today regarding Islam, the different extreme factions and the anti-muslim/Islam rhetoric that is bouncing around the media. I figured I would share this with you all as some food for thought. The leader of the Chechen republic has offered up a 10,000 strong fighting force made up of Muslims. For those of you who do not know Ramzan Kadyrov, His father was largely responsible for the quelling of terrorism in Chechnya (Which many would argue was established by the West - but I will leave that for you to come to your own conclusions) Ramzan has continued with this drive and also has worked to establish a rather large contingent of security forces. After Russia changed its laws recently, allowing Blackwater style military contractors, Kadyrov has established a large volunteer battalion to work under the legislation. Reportedly, they have all resigned from official positions, allowing them to be deployed anywhere without having to deploy regular forces or deal with the diplomacy around it. Each person will perceive this differently, however, I see it as a positive thing. I believe they would make a highly effective policing force in Muslim majority war zones. Just my 2c, I feel that they may be used first in Syria to attempt to end the war. Many people will disagree with this due to the way Assad has been running the country. However, I feel international diplomatic pressure should be used to solve differences, rather than a bloody coup (that is ongoing I might add). I guess only time will tell. Take a look for yourselves! https://youtube/watch?v=Irj_4IVLBP8#t=134
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 03:45:07 +0000

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