Hey everyone! I just wanted to post something directed to the - TopicsExpress


Hey everyone! I just wanted to post something directed to the admins of this page as an appreciative customer of your services. Before you read on, please dont think Im being rude or angry towards you guys, Ill explain everything but just hear me out. Ive only been a member of the group for a couple of days but as a customer, I just wanted to offer some constructive criticism about how the page works. Of course, you dont have to take this advice, but I just thought Id put it out there. I understand that having to do things for people on this page can be overwhelming when you have your own lives and issues to deal with behind the keyboard but there are a few logical solutions to make the page run smoother. I think of this page like a business and Im the customer. I have sat at my computer looking at my notifications and messages all day after work for the past two days waiting for admins to even answer some of my questions and Im yet to actually have anything genned for me. I have things to do too but I put it all off just in case I received a message saying someone was ready to help me. Unfortunately, everyone has been busy so it turned out I actually wasted two evenings where I could have been doing something more important. I put my understanding of the fact you all have things to do above my frustration but before it becomes too much of an issue, it should be sorted out. I feel like the page would be so much more effective, helpful and successful if the admins made it clear what times roughly they are free to gen for us, for example. Maybe create a timetable for yourselves to dedicate to the page and let everyone know if you cant do your time when something else comes up. Instead of me asking you when youre free and just saying youre free after work or after school etc, if I know youre free to gen from 2pm-4pm for example, we can plan ahead of time and get everything done much quicker. Even if you could pin a post to the page with admins names and times they are roughly available so people can work with that, I think it would help so much. Also, if the page runs better, youll attract more genners to come and help out which will only make the page improve even more. Some genners may have more time than others so there wont be so much of a build up. Ive seen the word nagging quite a few times in reference to people looking for help on here in the last few days when really, a lot of people are just left waiting when they were told otherwise. If youre going to offer a service and theres people here for the service, we should be getting that service. Its unfair to people looking for help and its unfair for the admins that people are building up and everyones getting annoyed. Again, Im only posting this because I want the page to get better and I love the idea behind the page. I hope you dont feel attacked or wizzed off over it because I really do appreciate the admins and their generosity.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 17:28:24 +0000

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