Hey everyone! I posted a picture earlier of me 4-weeks after - TopicsExpress


Hey everyone! I posted a picture earlier of me 4-weeks after stopping treatment and Ive received questions about my treatment from many Lymies and how I made it this far. I just want to put it out there that from day one I picked the doctor who I trusted their methodology and protocols 100% and stayed with them for my entire treatment (3.5 years). I did everything my doctor told me to including: seeing extra specialists, IV antibiotics, IV hydration, oral antibiotics and supplements (70+ each day), exercise, therapy, EMDR, creating art, earthing, going gluten-free, dairy-free, pork-free, seafood-free, not surrounding myself and consuming myself in Lyme all day every day; connecting closer with my creator and savior, Jesus; also not letting my heart race; sleeping a lot; decreasing all types of stress (with huge help from my family) including financial, emotional, relational, ADLs, etc; constantly detoxing; lots of enemas; hyperbaric chamber and trying to be gentle with myself. I learned my limitations based on how many spoons I had for the day and did life to the best of my ability. If I could see a friend, I would. If I could clean a room in the house or put dishes in the dishwasher, I would. If I could shower and feel good about myself, I would, but if I couldnt I educated my friends and family that that was okay too, for the time being and it was just a reality of my journey treating Lyme, co-infections and parasites. My journey was not easy and will always be something I consider and tailer my life choices around, but I am so hopeful that this phase of constant treatment for me are over. I have hope for everyone diagnosed and undiagnosed in their battle with Lyme and other chronic illnesses that you too CAN and WILL see better days. I know it hurts to see others so close to the finish line when youve been running with them (me) for so long. I love each of you and hope to be a beacon of hope for you in your treatment. Trust your LLMD, listen to your body and know that you are not alone :)
Posted on: Wed, 09 Apr 2014 02:53:12 +0000

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