Hey everyone!! If you missed the message about my gratitude study - TopicsExpress


Hey everyone!! If you missed the message about my gratitude study yesterday, I made a brief video that describes what Im looking for. If you dont mind, please check it out and consider coming and being awesome with us!! Click the video below for a quick reference. Read Below if you want the full description and THANK YOU!! youtu.be/TMItxT-e6sU It should be very easy and only take you a tiny bit of time. You are now officially one of the very first members of the GratiTeam! That’s what I’m calling you. Cheesy?! YES!! Awesome… BIGGER YES!! We are beginning a movement that will have massive results. We are helping the world be more thankful more often, for more of what life throws at us. In my experience utilizing just a little bit of gratitude on a daily basis will change the entire trajectory of your day. If there are enough days that are slightly altered with the power of gratitude you will begin to feel your life completely and totally shift. Gratitude is literally the secret to never having a bad day or lack of joy in your life ever again. I believe, if you haven’t already experienced the transformative power of gratitude in your life, you absolutely WILL over the next 30 days. So here is what I’m asking. I have 4 simple requests: If you don’t want to read this message, watch the 6 minute video below and it describes everything in detail… heck watch it anyway :) 1- Please visit gratifuel. On that page you will find a survey-type quiz that will give you 40 questions, statements, and prompts, and you simply need to click whether you strongly disagree, moderately disagree, slightly disagree, slightly agree, moderately agree, or strongly agree with the statement given. You will not be given a score, I will simply be keeping track of the data on the back end. Each time you take the survey, there will be a box at the top of the survey, and if you want to remain anonymous when taking the quiz, no problem. Feel free to use a pseudonym or set of initials if you don’t want me to know who you are. I just need you to use the same name, pseudonym, or set of initials each time so that I can track your specific results, as well as the overall results of the group. Please take this quiz right away, then set a reminder, or calendar event, to take the quiz again in a week, again in two weeks, again in three weeks, and one last time after the conclusion of the 4th week… so 5 quizzes altogether. One today, then one a week for the next 4 weeks. 2 - In between the quizzes there are two brief daily tasks. The first is to write at least one sentence in a gratitude journal at least once a day. For those of you that are doing the November month of gratitude on Facebook, that works just the same. As a side note, the practice of this type of journaling will be so awesome and powerful, so enjoy this experience and give yourself the gift every day to really take 1 minute and to really actually write something. 3- I want you to find one tiny thing a day where you feel yourself, frustrated, angry, hurt, annoyed, etc, and simply find the silver lining in it, and focus on being thankful just for a tiny moment on that silver lining. The book is called “Flipping The Gratitude Switch: How daily use of simple gratitude will change your life forever.” The whole idea is that both through massive life events, and through simple daily events, when something happens that is frustrating, or causes anger, all we have to do is flip this internal switch and choose to find gratitude in, and somehow be thankful for that thing, whatever it may be. By doing that, it changes the trajectory of our day, and over time becomes a way of life that allows us to never have to have a bad day again. I want you to put this in practice over the next 30 days IN ADDITION to journaling. So find one tiny thing a day where you feel yourself, frustrated, angry, hurt, annoyed, etc, and simply find the silver lining in it, and focus on being thankful just for a tiny moment on that silver lining. It’s up to you if you want to use that thing for your daily journaling or not. Watch this YouTube video I made to give you some examples of flipping the gratitude switch, and listen to the audio below to hear many many more. 4- On gratifuel, just to the right of the survey you will see a blue box that asks for a name and an email. PLEASE enter your info!! I will be sending you brief daily reminders to journal, and weekly reminders to take the quiz. It is imperative that you do this so that I can be certain you are sticking to the daily tasks, thus allowing me to compile real measurable, empirical data that I can put in the book! Can I just say something… many of us go through life not ever really knowing if we are having an impact on the world around us. We get up, go to work, pay the bills, try to relax, and try to be good people. The Daily Grind doesn’t always feel conducive to fulfilling our life’s mission. Well, I want you to know that by you taking just a couple minutes a day for the next 30 days, maybe altogether, only 1 entire hour out of your entire life, that by you doing that and helping me to write this book and deliver this message to the world, YOU ARE LITERALLY IN THE PROCESS OF IMPACTING HUNDREDS, MAYBE THOUSANDS, BUT MOST LIKELY MILLIONS of lives for good. That is why it is so important to do this daily. The more accurate the data, the more impact it will have on anyone that comes in contact with our results. We are staring something here, and I hope you will be willing to ride on this train with me for as long as it has steam. Thank you again and I will talk to you soon!!! Sincerely and with so much GRATITUDE for you, Kevin Clayson Chief Officer of Awesome PS. Here is an audio recording of a training I did for my company on the subject. It may just give you a feel for what is really going to be taught in the book. Thanks!! https://soundcloud/strongbrook/a-tale-of-two-men-how-you-can-flip-the-gratitude-switch - Start listening at the 12:54 minute mark… you don’t need to hear the company specific intro stuff.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 03:20:34 +0000

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