Hey everyone. Sorry for the double post today, but Id like to take - TopicsExpress


Hey everyone. Sorry for the double post today, but Id like to take a second and address an issue thats been popping up in our community recently. I received a pretty rude message via tumblr today basically telling me that I am too fat to cosplay, that I make them sick when they look at me, and that I should just kill myself, etc. Now, this is nothing new and normally I wouldnt let that sort of thing bother me too much, but since Ive been stressing about con stuff, it really hurt me this time. Ive always struggled with my weight and have gotten messages like this since Ive started cosplaying, but it makes me so mad that there are other girls who get messages like this every day. Now that cosplay is becoming more mainstream and with the popularity of certain cosplayers, there seems to be this unreal standard about aesthetics in this hobby. One thats being perpetuated by people who dont even participate! Its gross and disheartening behavior and is something that I will NEVER tolerate on this page. If youve ever gotten a message like this, please PLEASE do not listen to these cowards. It takes so much courage to step out into a crowded convention hall as your favorite character! It takes so much skill to hand craft a cosplay for that character you love. Do not ever let someone take that away from you! It breaks my heart to hear girls say that they quit cosplaying because of all of the online harassment theyve gotten. Cosplay isnt a beauty contest. It isnt a who wore it better contest. Hell, it isnt a contest at all! Its about dressing up as your favorite character and having fun. And friends. Making ALL the new friends while doing so!
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 02:21:56 +0000

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