Hey everyone, hope all is well. Gonna rant, so get ready. :) I - TopicsExpress


Hey everyone, hope all is well. Gonna rant, so get ready. :) I realize that this journey we have been on with Tristen has had many people interested in his situation, I think that is a great thing, thank you all for your concern. It is important to raise awareness to not only this form of cancer, but all the things that come along with it throughout the journey. So that being said, I really need to clarify a few things here. We have had fundraisers done for us in helping Tristen, amazing events that have not only helped us, but brought everyone together to get to know more about what it entails. I/we have a few communities that came to our aid & helped us - our family & friends, the Portuguese community, my music community & others that did so much. THANK YOU. PLEASE know, at NO point have we spent any money that came through those methods on anything not necessary to Tristen. I can understand how us going away to Disney / Universal Studios, etc. earlier this year could be perceived as that, but that was a trip granted to him by Childrens Wish Foundation. EVERYTHING was paid for by them, the 3 flights, rental car, GAS EVEN, tickets for the 3 of us to ANYWHERE we wanted, they didnt let us pay for a thing. Childrens Wish / Make-a-Wish foundation does this for families of children who have/have had a life threatening illness. Our trip was probably one of the lesser amounts they spend on a family as they will send a child & their entire family ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD ALL COSTS PAID. The free trip was the BEST trip we ever had, but it was also a week that I did not work, as I am self employed. Small price to pay to give him the time of his life. MANY FREE THINGS get given to us, this is something that happens. I am sure there are friends on FB here who have had similar illness in the family that will verify free trips, free ipads / toys, free getaways - generous people do things to get us / him off the routine of being on top of his treatment for a bit. Not sure I should feel guilty about that? We also did a cruise for my inlaws 50th anniversary prior to that but had money already set aside BEFORE he was diagnosed & her mom paid for part of it. We were going to cancel the trip but the hospital cleared him to go because his blood counts allowed for it. We have gone twice to Great Wolf Lodge and both times were on 48 hour sale sell offs from a Sunday to Monday because it is my 2 days off & cheaper. Came out to $149 each time for us, & so what...it is one of his FAVORITE places to go, when his counts allow & it doesnt interfere with school, we go. There were many WONDERFUL people who came to my house to donate materials & installation / labour of changes that needed to be made in the house. I cant thank them enough. There was one of the 5 deadliest molds growing in the basement, under the flooring & the furnace needed to be replaced as it was filled with it - many changes we never saw coming that mounted fairly quickly. Costs we never anticipated. In good conscience, we took out loans to finish things in the house left unfinished (painting, trim work, stairs, etc.). That along with insurance money from the great flood of 2013 helped pay for things not associated with Tristens journey & the unknown future of it. The unknown future so far has doses & costs already more than doubled from when he was diagnosed in December of 2012. Here is what I DO know. My only motivation is Tristen & how he is & how he will be. Make no mistake, if I had to, I would find a way to do what needed to be done to pay for anything he needed. If & when this is over, do not for one second think I wouldnt give to another family / foundation anything left. I have ALWAYS put myself at the disposal of anyone needing me for causes of need. Not one person can accuse me of that. It has ALWAYS been my mandate to put a positive spin on our situation, knowing that everyone is watching our family & that Tristen can inspire anyone, already has. Have a great day everyone. W/ Pearl Hutchens-Silva
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 16:37:52 +0000

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