Hey everyone! how is everyone doing? it sounds like the fam - TopicsExpress


Hey everyone! how is everyone doing? it sounds like the fam is packing up and heading to california for a little bit. i am so excited for scotty boy and brooke. be sure to send photos please! so this week was crazy! in the middle of the week we got a phone call from the secretary of the mission that elder cazier was going to be emergency transferred. we were super confused. anyways, turns out that another missionary was wanting to go home and so president decided to put with me for the rest of the week and elder cazier with his companion. this missionary just arrived here in brasil from the states about two months ago. he really had some difficulties and he called me a lot from a different area when he first got here so that he could just talk to someone. he stayed for just a little longer but just couldnt take it anymore. it was really sad to see because he was such a great kid and had so much potential as a missionary. we went in to president araujos office on thursday so that he could talk to him a little bit but he still decided that he had made his final decision and that he wanted to leave the next day. well president called some people and got him a plane ticket for the next day. well with him leaving that left me without a comp. well president realized that and so he opened up this door that had all the photos of missionaries, looked around, found the only group in the mission that was in a trio and grabbed one of the photos of the missionaries and threw it to me and said your new comp. well later that day my new comp traveled from his area and arrived here in vitória a few hours later. my new comp is super awesome though and we are having a blast working together. his name is elder moreira and he is from fortaleza, brasil. haha he is super funny and we have the same humor so we are getting along great so far. i have an idea that its going to be like that from now on too. we have found a ton of people to work with this week and ill update you all on them next week. anyways, i summarized as best as i could. those were the happenings this last week. just know that i am doing great and the new changes that happened are going great. i dont have much time left but i hope that everyone has a great week. i love you guys! tchau! love, elder sewell
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 00:23:39 +0000

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