Hey everyone, with the upcoming Tournament and Feast in Miridin, - TopicsExpress


Hey everyone, with the upcoming Tournament and Feast in Miridin, it is a good time to take a look at what has happened in the world and inform any new people what has occurred in Kiruna. Here is part one of Kirunas Plight, part two to come soon! It was a beautiful day as people from near and far arrived in Manaris, heeding the call which the Baron of Kiruna had sent out. A small town, renowned for it being the only town to mine the magical ore, magicite in the entire world. The ore, used to create the cherished relics of the land. Greeting the hopeful heroes, the Baron explained the plight which affected Fanaris. Two of their three relics of great power, which protected the town from being corrupted by an over exposure to the large quantities of magicite had been stolen. He implored those who had come to help the town and had promised a reward for the retrieval of these sacred relics. As night fell, our heroes took to enjoying the town. The merriment was short-lived however, as the bandits who had stolen the artefacts attacked the town under the cover of night and managed to wound the baron and steal the final relic. Quick to respond, the Grand Mage of Fanaris healed the Baron and those around him rallied to protect him. With the threat realised, many heroes took up to investigating what had occurred and dug up as much information as they could on the enemy. The next day, the Baron once again called a meeting, informing the town of the previous nights events and requesting a detail to be sent out in search of the bandit camp. A contingent was formed and our brave heroes headed into the Wildlands in search of their enemy. It did not take long before they encountered the Bandit King, giving chase, they found that this enemy was no ordinary foe, as the Wildlands had been trapped, enabling the Bandit Kings escape. With the use of magic, our heroes were able to find and traverse the hazardous terrain. The group chose to split to better track their foe. In the mean time, the Eldar and the Corsairs attacked the town in search of the relics and anything else they could find of value, their search led to nought though, as all those who carried relics had kept them with them and so the Eldar, Corsair alliance chose to head into the Wildlands in chase of the scout party. While the town was in disaray, the first group continued through the path they had begun on. With a mage at hand, they walked and scanned for traps, eventually leading them to a field full of traps, all encircling a central point full of power. Unwavering in their hunt, they proceeded using the powers of the mage to guide their way. Reaching the centre, a burst of energy erupted. Standing in front of them stood a dread pirate, with nowhere to go, a mighty warrior stepped forward and challenged the undead being. Blows flew left and right until the creature was destroyed, searching the body, the mage discovered a blue orb emanating energy. Something else was at hand here. With the traps cleared, the group continued forth until they found one of the bandit encampments that had been freshly used. Searching, the remains, the group found clues that the bandits were on the move and that their tracks had been hidden via magical means. Meanwhile, the second group had encountered the bandits, and after a feirce battle, were able to capture one of the Bandit Kings followers. Reuniting with the rest of the group, they handed the bandit over and the mages in the group took to extracting the information required to better hunt their adversary. After enchanting the bandit, she began leading them to the bandits hideaway. That was until the group ran into the Bandit King. Looking exhausted from being tracked and attacked, the Bandit King took a quick swig of a potion, in the next moment, his fatigue seemed to had vanished, in fact, he seemed to have been strengthened. Our brave heroes took to the fight and managed to subdue the Bandit King, knocking him unconscious. As the group healed up and began to return to the town, victorious, the Eldar and the Corsairs arrived on the scene. The two groups stood against each other, an eerie silence covering the soon to be battlefield. Finally, an Eldar stood forward and questioned, Do you have a half elf amongst you? A female stood forward, I am no half elf, but I carry the blood of a demon within me. she declared. Requesting her to stand forward, the leader of the Eldar also stepped forward into no mans land. Adhering to the request, the female elf also stepped forward. The plan had worked, and the Eldar and Corsairs jumped into action with the Eldar leaders first slash at the elven girl. Battle erupted and the scouting team was lost the battle with the Eldar and Corsairs, also being hit with heavy losses. As they Eldar-Corsair alliance left, a dread filled the battleground, as members were instantly resurrected, without anyones knowledge as to why. Having regained consciousness, the scouting party looked for their captives, in the confusion, both bandits had made their escape. With enough information, the group chose to return to the town with the information they had found. As the group reached closer to town, a lone knight was able to encounter two bandits, who explained their reasons for the theft, the Baron was a corrupt man who cared not for the people of the land. With great diplomacy, the knight was able to persuade them into an agreement of meeting with the Bandit King, in efforts to resolve the issues the bandits had with the Baron and his supposed tyranny. With purpose at hand, the knight resolved to bring peace back to the land, and so he would once again journey into the Wildlands. To be continued.....
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 02:55:48 +0000

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