Hey folks today i was so busy that i couldnt get time to post - TopicsExpress


Hey folks today i was so busy that i couldnt get time to post updates.. Though am late here is it... Coming up tonight on Wild at Heart episode 160.. Maricruz then guides Liz to a conveniently located puddle (at least its not mud) and dumps her in it. When Maricruz returns to the room Elsa renews her accusations that Maricruz is a murderess. Maricruz thinks that its time to call the Dr. Elsa becomes more agitated, mildly assaults Maricruz, and finally conks out.Oh well... Dr.s on his way. For me it was just as well. Elsa is a very pretty girl who is giving this part her all and ordinarily Id be intrigued, but since I find this whole Elsa thing to be slightly annoying Im down with her swoon. As he drives home, instead of texting or chatting on his cell phone like any normal person, Alvaro thinks and pouts. Why cant this woman young enough to be his own daughter fall in love with him as a man instead of loving him like a brother? Back home the Dr. has examined Elsa and as Maricruz follows him out into the hall he gives her the devastating news about what he his examination of Elsa has revealed... she is a hopelessly spoiled, self-centered adolescent girl who thinks that the whole world revolves around her. Liz, sporting a fresh black eye, has made her way to Natashas place and fills her in on the afternoon encounter with Elsa and Maricruz, She made me furious as she she threw me out of the house. I had to go home and change clothes, because that imbecile tossed me in puddle of water. Natasha smothers a giggle at this... Dont laugh... she even dared to smack me in the face. She vows to reveal to Elsa her true origins... With her newly discovered maturity and serenity, Natasha counsels restraint. Liz is having none of that; she wants to destroy them both. Well, whatever... Natasha has more important things to do like deposit that big check for her prize-winning baptism painting and get busy helping the padre with his poor folks. Maricruz waits on the porch for Alvaro to return. His car pulls up and she announces that she has terrible news... Liz came and told Elsa the truth. Octavio figures out Maricruz must be with that engineer, that Alvaro Cifuentes. Maricruz went with him and he is helping her. Where could he live? Well done lad... well done. His phone rings and he hopefully answers it expecting that someone must be calling him with Alvaros address. Nope. Its Doris, Hello my love, its me. She announces cheerily. He just not in the mood for Doris at this moment, What do you want, Doris? She is informed that he still loves Maricruz and that she too loves him still. Doris tells thats not what Maricruz told her the last time they talked. Oops. He wants to know when she last talked to Maricruz and she has to admit that she visited her in jail. Mainly she wanted to console her, ...I promised her that as soon as we are together, I would treat her daughter as our very own child. Ay, sweetheart, I wanted to cheer her up a bit. Doris continues as a sick look develops on Octavios face. As Doris continues her incessant yammering about Maricruzs many faults, he quietly hangs up the phone heheeee lol. Doris suddenly realizes, He hung up! Alvaros place, Maricruz is filling Alvaro in on the details of Lizs revelation to Elsa that Alfonso is dead... murdered & that Maricruz spent some time in jail for that. She also tells him about how she ran Liz off. Before she can tell him the rest, he hurries off to check on Elsa. Maricruz seems to have realized that this latest employment has pretty much wound down as she dejectedly descends the stairs with her hand bag, Liz poisoned Elsa against me and now she hates me. She thinks that it may be time to go. More father daughter angst. He loses patience shouts at her and she invites him to go ahead and hit her. Elsa hops up and runs outside so that Maricruz can hear the rest of this family discussion. As Maricruz listens out of sight, Elsa reiterates how much she despises her, Basically because of her Im going to end up even crazier than you think I am. She again invites Alvaro to hit her and he points out that he has never ever hit her. Alvaro is fed up. Hes off to straighten Liz out as Elsa shouts demands that he get rid of Maricruz. Maricruz insists on telling Alvaro of Lizs revelation to her of the terrible family secret that Elsa is adopted, She said that Elsa isnt your daughter, nor the daughter of your dead wife. Wololoo. Octavios efforts have paid off. Hes on the phone with the lawyer and has learned that Maricruz is indeed with Alvaro and even has obtained the address. Maricruz tells Alvaro of Lizs threat to real this truth to Elsa. He hops in his car and drives away without even buckling his seat belt. Maricruz clasps her head in frustration and despair. Alvaro encounters Liz at Natashas pad. They take a moment to glare. Well get back to them hehe. Maricruz ponders her life. Too bad that she cant fall in love with Alvaro. Time to move on. Octavio hails a cab. Alvaro and Liz chat about the day’s events and discuss their differences. He threatens to kill her if she reveals the terrible family secret. Have a nice day. Alvero heads home. Maricruz is waiting as Alvaro returns and walks in...
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 16:54:11 +0000

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