Hey friends! My mom is a member of the green army which to protect - TopicsExpress


Hey friends! My mom is a member of the green army which to protect our drinking water, and stop costal erosion water ways. There is an event this Saturday that is showing our legislators how many people in this state care about companies running according to regulation in order to protect this state. My mom sent me this message to share with yall. Feel free to contact her or me for more info! I cant make it because Ill be out of town, but I really hope a lot of you will go and show your support! As college students, you are the world changers! Go out and save your state! Message from my mom: Hey guys, I will be attending this. I have room for 6 in my van for any of you who wish to attend with me. Great opportunity to get involved for your community, meet your legislators and, of course to hang with Mom Teresa 😊 The event is Saturday, March 8th (day after Mandis wedding). Let me know if youre interested. *** Dear Friends: I have just received an email from a friend and colleague, Hays Town, from Baton Rouge, appealing to fellow citizens to join us in making a statement to protect our water. Our world is different from 20 years ago. There have always been advocates and activists that would fight for an issue, and without much public input. Today our issues are changing, and our very basic source of living is at risk. We have been ignoring the major issues that have been occurring for decades in Third World countries. WATER, a primary issue but thousands of miles away. Many people ignore issues when they are 10 miles away from their home. The term is NIMBY - Not In My Back Yard. But now YOUR back yard is joining the NIMBYs . Just a week ago we read about the CEO for Exxon joining the lawsuit against fracking because His home was in danger. The issue we are concerned about is WATER, and now you have a chance as a citizen of Louisiana to show you care. Please dont just ignore this email and do nothing. Do you have your own well? Is your water clean and good? Do you want it to stay that way? Do you have good drinking water from your water company? Are your prices okay for your water? Is your shoreline disappearing? Have you had to change your watering methods due to water conservation? YOU have the chance to speak WITHOUT OPENING YOUR MOUTH to protect our water future!!! The alternative to staying at home and ignoring the issue is, higher prices for clean drinking water, a new well, or perhaps no personal well at all. Or perhaps you will have to move due to no flood protection along the coast. Or the rice farms that have salt water intrusion. Do you care? If you do.... all you have to do is be present. This means sacrificing a few hours next Saturday, March 8 at the Capitol Steps in Baton Rouge. YES, it means giving up some of your time but how important is it to you to keep your drinking water? We are simply trying to keep our wonderful surface and drinking water! This event organized with the leadership of retired General Russel Honore and the GreenARMY is dedicated to amicably conveying a message to our legislators how much we care about our water. Your presence is needed!!! Please join us. There is bus service from Lake Charles stopping in Lafayette and separately New Orleans. Below are the details from Lafayette. I will send a separate email with more details. Please, this is your chance to contribute to ours and future generations. Please share this on your Facebook sites and with everyone you now. This is YOUR TIME to be heard!! All you need to do is be there!!! Nara Crowley Save Lake Peigneur Please confirm as soon as possible by reply to this email if you want a seat on the bus going from Lafayette to the GreenARMY event on March 8. Our assembly time from First United Methodist Church will be 11:00 am., Saturday March 8. FREE!!! lasierraclub.org
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 06:44:37 +0000

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