Hey friends & family! Quick update from Botswana! I am finally - TopicsExpress


Hey friends & family! Quick update from Botswana! I am finally working on the ground, my time so far has been great. I am in Lobatse with Mr.Robert as well as 5 other summer missionaries. Connor is a guy from Jackson, MS who is doing similar work to what I will be doing but in a different village. The other four are girls from Mississippi College and the Clinton Pinelake campus. Its been great getting to know Botswana under their guidance. A little bit about my first day that was NUTS. Mr.Robert took Connor and I out to a neighborhood to meet some locals and kind of show me around. Its a long story but he fell in a ditch and sustained a few injuries. He is fine but has one or two bruised ribs, hell definitely be okay! It was not fun however to see the head missionary fall into a ditch... So that night we went to a Metapelo which is kind of like a visitation. A local man passed away just before I arrived. Connor, myself, the girls and Mr.Roberts wife got to the gathering to find that Mr.Robert was expected to speak. He was at home due to the afore mentioned ditch incident. The uncle then assumed that Connor or I would speak. Connor declined and I was then obligated to give a short sermon. I spent about 5 minutes flipping through a bible lent to me by a local man named Mofini. Then I got up and delivered a message. Unprepared, no notice, at a funeral of a man Ive never met in a country I had been in less than 24 hours. Botswana life has gotten real. Also, we had a rocking 4th of July party with American food! However, the pork BBQ was made from warthog so it was still kinda African haha. God is good, he provides in this country when we least expect. Im excited to see what comes next! Keep praying! Carter
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 07:56:06 +0000

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