Hey friends, how is everyone recuperating after Christmas? Ive - TopicsExpress


Hey friends, how is everyone recuperating after Christmas? Ive been doing laundry all day and fighting the urge to take down the tree and the decorations. I guess it can wait a couple more days. :) Ive probably shared this story before, if so just bear with me. Ive known from a very young age what my calling in life was to be. I remember in second grade, the teacher going around the room asking each student what they wanted to be when they grew up. Many answered with the typical answers as; doctor, nurse, teacher, lawyer, firefighter, etc. When it came to me, I proudly said that I wanted to be a wife and a mommy. I remember few laughs and I remember someone saying thats not a job. And I wish I knew if that person ever got married and had children. It may not be a paying job but the benefits are worth far more than any paycheck I could have ever earned. Anyway, back then I wasnt sure what that would look like in my future but God worked it out perfectly. My favorite classes in high school were; Home Ec, Childcare, Creative Cooking, and other classes related to family life. After high school, I was involved with the Extension Homemakers where I learned more about how to care for my family and home and later even got to teach other homemakers. I tried to work when I was younger but for some strange reason, any kind of physical stress always made my thyroid numbers elevate. The work I done was all in housekeeping with the exception of my short time at a shirt factory. But, my housekeeping skills were pretty good I was told. I just couldnt keep up the pace that was needed to get the work done in the time that it needed to be done. I tried. I did it. But was left overly exerted and eventually found myself lacking at my job. Fortunately, the man that God blessed me with to be my husband, didnt mind that I could not work. He has never held it over my head and has never given me grief over it. God has always provided when times were tough. I used my gifts and all that I have learned for caring for my family and keeping our home. I was a full time stay at home mom. I was a teacher to my girls before they even began school. They were very ready for school. Their teachers were very pleased with the amount of things they knew. Being a stay at mom is often very exhausting, sometimes a little lonely, but always very rewarding. Being a keeper of my home is also very rewarding. It allows me to keep it a plus that Don and the girls could count on for being peaceful and comforting. As Dons helpmate, or his little right arm (as he calls me) I try very hard to do the work at home that is needed. Cooking, cleaning, budgeting, meal planning, grocery shopping, bill paying and anything else that I find within my energy to do. He works hard and often more than he needs to, to provide financially for our family. We know that God will be our ultimate provider but we know what he requires us to do for our families. Being a SAHW&M has given me awesome opportunities to minister to other women. Which is another passion of mine. And one that I know God has also equipped me for. It truly has been a blessing. My desire for a more simple living lifestyle has become a reality. And Im inspired even more to be the wife, mother, and keeper of my home that I was created and gifted and blessed to be. I want more than anything to pass these things on to my girls and maybe to inspire others. This new year, I will continue to share our journey. I will continue to share challenges, and ideas that will help in a living a simple lifestyle. I hope you will keep stay with us and let us pray for one another as we approach a new year full of new opportunities and blessings. Lets seek simplicity together while we love like Jesus and live like family.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 21:57:01 +0000

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