Hey guys :). Im Brooke. Im a new admin, and Im going to TRY to - TopicsExpress


Hey guys :). Im Brooke. Im a new admin, and Im going to TRY to write a fanfiction about a girl in Panem before the first rebellion and the Dark Days. Pleeeease tell me if it sucks but like if its bearable. If it is good, expect a good size chapter every 1-2 days. Recommend it to your friends! Thanks :D ----Chapter 1---- Hhhhh. I sigh long and loud as I roll out of the makeshift bed that I share with my twin sister Lia in our wood and stone made 2 room house. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Shear. Shear Corova. Im 15, almost 16 years old, and I live in District 10 in the wonderful, pleasant, not at all disgusting country of Panem. My life is basically a well oiled machine. Wake up. Eat a meager breakfast. Dress and go to school untill lunch, then work in the cattle fields with dad, while mom and Lia make leather and tools. I come home no earlier than dusk, scrape up what ever dinner I can get and go to bed, bathing only occasionally. Only on Sundays do I really get to spend time with my best friend Fawn Silva. See, when you turn 15, they reduce your school time to half a day so you can start working on your districts trade. In my view, that totally sucks. Why? Well I have to feed hot, fat, smelly cows in the desert sun, and I get to see Hunter less. Hunter Blair is the hot popular guy that girls throw themselves at, but hes not that kind of guy. Hes more of the quiet but strong, smart popular guy. Ive developed a crush on him over the years, ever since I was 12. At least he knows I exist. I think. Since Im still a kid and I dont have to work on the weekend, I think about Hunter as I walk across the dirt road and to the right 3 houses to Fawns house. I stare at the shrubby ground when I slam into someone and we both fall to the ground, and I hit my head on a tree stump. Ug, ow sorry I- I look up into the beautiful green eyes of Hunter Blair. Tanned skin from working. Tousled dirty blond hair. Adorable concerned look. Cant. Breathe. I sit on the ground frozen staring at him, while he tries to assess if Im dead inside or not. Shear? Shear. Are you ok? Hello? He comes around and slips his hands under my arms and helps me up, and I cant help but notice his defined muscles. And the fact that he KNOWS MY NAME. He turns me around to look at my head. Hey you fell pretty hard there. You ok? Pull yourself together, Shear! Oh, yeah, Im ok. Sorry about that. Oh, no it was my fault. He gives me that smile that I fell for 3 years ago. What are you doing here? I ask him. Oh, I live over there. He points to the left of my house 2 houses down. I didnt even know he lived near me! Ok, um, I guess Ill uh, see you later I stutter. Ok see you he smiles and heads to his house. I stand there a while then fast walk to Fawns to tell her the only good news in my miserable life: that Hunter Blair lives 2 doors down, and that he knows my name.
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 23:37:19 +0000

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