Hey guys...Important post so PLEASE READ!!..As much as i love my - TopicsExpress


Hey guys...Important post so PLEASE READ!!..As much as i love my job, my friends, my followers, and my Lounge...I have come to realize i cant do this 24/7...I cant be available here in the group, my FB, and my phone all the time..I still have my family, my house and errands that need care as well...Which has brought me to this decision...I will now only be working 5 days a week like most folks....I will have one day a week..which Chris and I have decided is going to be Saturday because that is when we do most of our family things..that i will be TOTALLY UNAVAILABLE...meaning if you text me, message me on my FB , PM me, or contact in any way,, please understand, you will not get any response on any saturday from here on out from me...Saturdays are off limits and only for my family and I from here on out....now...my one day during the week..Wednsday is my day to run errands, hang out myself at the coffee shop or with my girls or andrew, go talk to folks in town, go shopping, groceries, go to the knittery and pick out some yarn, or simply, get things done around the house...simpy ME DAY!....a day for just whatever i feel i need or want to do....i will be available on this day if i need to be,, i may choose to respond to messages or i may not,, depends on what im doing.. so with all this said,, i do hope i have a very understanding group of followers/friends/subscribers to understand,, i have a life outside of my business..one that is being a little neglected at this point....so that has to change starting now...so if you are offended by this conversation, please feel free to leave my group and my FB by all means....because this is the way it has to be and will be from here on out...however on the other hand if you have a family , and a life of your own and are understanding why i am doing this and feel you can still be a part of my crochet world with this change then im extremely happy to have you remain here:))...So i wanted to share this new change with you all and this will start tomarrow which is wednesday.....if you have any questions, comments or concerns,,please feel free to leave them below..thank you for taking the time to read this and lets have a great day everyone...........Happy Hookin!! LikeLike ·
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 19:13:22 +0000

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