Hey guys! Ive got your Livi Update! She is doing well. - TopicsExpress


Hey guys! Ive got your Livi Update! She is doing well. According to her nurses, she has been taking full bottles at feeding times like a champ! Occasionally she has an episode, but is able to pull herself out of it. For those of you who dont really know what happens, she holds her breath or refluxes, causing her to seal off her air way. This causes a heart rate drop, and her oxygen saturation to plummet. Long story short, they are scary. And we want to know EXACTLY WITHOUT A DOUBT why. It usually happens while she is eating, but lately it has become more prevalent during times when she is just resting. We want to know if this is obstructive apnea- meaning there is SOMETHING wrong with her airway keeping her from breathing as she should. Or if this is central apnea- meaning there is something going on in her brain that is inhibiting its ability to tell her to breathe. OR it could be acid reflux related. She refluxes up, tries to re swallow again, and ends up kind of choking on it again. Either way, her doctors and I are fairly certain reflux is playing a part. Its something a lot of tiny humans deal with, especially preemies. Tonight Liv will undergo a Sleep Study. It will start roughly at 6:45pm and continue into the morning hours. They will take the NG tube out (her nasal feeding tube) and insert an IV to give her fluids, as they dont feel comfortable trying to feed her by mouth during the study. They will monitor EVERYTHING. This data will allow doctors to decide what the CRAP is going on! No matter the outcome, its our understanding that she will be here for a bit longer. If its obstructive apnea, she may have to undergo more scopes, and possibly surgery. If its central apnea, MRIs and other scans will need to be done. We know that without a doubt, our girl will make it through, and so will Jonathan and I. Our God is bigger than all of this! Bigger than any diagnosis we are given after this study. We ask that you lift Olivia up in prayer. That this study would happen without a hitch, and that the cause of these episodes would be crystal clear. We ask for peace of mind, and peace of heart. Thank you all so much for being such a support to us! We truly love and cherish all of you!
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 18:25:25 +0000

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