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Hey guys..Please if you are new to this page and you havent done so already....please share this page on your time line.....My goal is to reach 500 friends which is just a start...... SEVERE autism takes a back seat when it comes to Autism awareness and resources. I have been forced to move my son from 4 different schools in his (almost) 10 years of life because his behaviors are too severe. John was asked to leave a SPECIAL NEEDS sports program...well...he apparently was too special. He was not allowed to attend summer camp for special needs kids...for the same reason. John was NOT allowed to participate in any after school and/or respite programs at his school ( which is all special needs)...again he was too severe and his behaviors made it unsafe for himself ,staff and other kids. Baby sitters only lasted a short while. Family hasnt been able to watch him alone in years. Even his neurologist told me she ran out of options....yeah talk about feeling comforted. The kicker.... My last and only somewhat logical option was to seek residential placement because he would have a team working with him during the times he was not hem with me. This process took me over one year.....and WHY???....He was too severe for EVERY appropriate placement in NY! Can you imagine group homes telling me.... Im sorry after looking through his records we dont believe we can meet his needs. That was their way of saying....that kid is too much for our ENTIRE staff to manage. comforting ...huh? It took a walk through hell for me to eventually fight to keep him in NY and on LI.( 10 min away from home! ) He is now in a residential placement that was specially built to keep kids like John from being sent out out state...and lucky me I got him in just as their doors opened. In 1 week the entire place was filled to capacity. I guess all the kids in Johns group home are way too special as well..... So please help spread awareness. Autism is NOT one size fits all. The severe population is UNDERSERVED! We need to bring this to light.... SHARE THIS PAGE and please ask your friends to like it!
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 13:06:37 +0000

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