Hey guys :) So very happy to see so many new faces on the group - TopicsExpress


Hey guys :) So very happy to see so many new faces on the group and so glad to hear you all had an awesome time at AEX :D I was trying not to have to broach such a serious issue so soon but alot of people have been messaging me to ask what happened regarding Deadpool SO here goes: During the comic q and a with Larry Hama ( international guest and comic book writer) Chris Riley and Shaun Riaz (respected local comic book artists) the DP cosplayer proceeded to perform antics on stage, disrupting the panel. Our Floor manager proceeded to remove him off the stage on my request. The cosplayer then decided to play dead. We asked him numerous times to get up of his own accord and come down off the stage so the panel could continue. The cosplayer refused so he had to be physically moved off stage. At this point I told him that he is running the risk of being thrown out if he did not stop. The cosplayer again refused to listen and hammed up his performance even more. I then tried escorting him away so as not to disrupt the panel further, it was then that he placed his hand around me and whether purposefully or not, certain of my body parts were touched. I then told event staff to have him removed from the convention. The cosplayer then proceeded to resist even further while being taken outside. We had to call around 3 men to move him. I was then called outside by door security, where friends of the cosplayer pleaded for him to be allowed back in, during their pleadings on his behalf the cosplayer continued with his antics, squeezing a rubber chicken at me when I tried to speak. I realised that many people found this hilarious. It is not. Some people questioned why we overreacted. It is the height of disrespect to an event and a guest to disrupt a panel with childish antics. Mr. Hama took time out of his busy schedule to fly all the way here for us, he could have been at SDCC which is the same weekend but he opted to come here, to Trinidad, to host workshops and help elevate the local comic scene, and this is how we treat him? This is not about a cosplayer just having fun this is about a patron wilfully disrespecting other people. Cosplaying a douchebag does not give you the right to BE a douchebag. If I cosplay Hitler would it be ok for me to reenact the holocaust? Cosplay is supposed to be fun guys, and the fun should not be at the expense of other people. If as the event organiser I do not feel safe as a female in my own convention, how can I with a clear conscience tell parents their children are safe at AEX? Oh your daughter was groped? Its okay! because the guy who did it was dressed as deadpool and thats just what deadpool does :D We at AEX will not stand by and let our patrons be hurt and disrespected by people who lack respect for others.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 01:46:48 +0000

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