Hey guys, We live in a world thats pretty frightening right - TopicsExpress


Hey guys, We live in a world thats pretty frightening right now. No question. I dont need to tell you. Theres plenty happening here and abroad to make you wonder if the whole of humanity has lost its damn mind. That in mind, you look at events like that and realize something. These events are real, they are significant, but they are just one side of a coin. A well worn and frequently looked at side. What some dont realize is that the other side of the coin is just as worn, just as old, but it has a bit of shine left to it. There is beauty there. There might be days when the human race makes you want to want to invent interstellar travel so you can jump planet, but then you witness these acts of simple kindness that make you realize that the arrogant and selfish in this world are insignificant. Here are a couple of examples: A youtube prank turns into a rallying cry that raises enough money to purchase a home for a homeless gentleman with a very generous heart. https://youtube/watch?v=lK1vPu6U2B0 A bus driver stops in the middle of his route to save a suicidal woman. https://youtube/watch?v=kY0TAjfIduU And this gem I just discovered from one of my personal heroes, Jim Henson: In an interview, Juliana Donald (Jenny) recalled how filming of the jogging scene in the park was temporarily delayed by a camera problem. In wide eyed amazement, a little boy passing by approached and started talking to Kermit the Frog, oblivious to Jim Henson operating him. Despite the surrounding commotion of technicians trying to fix the camera issue, Jim started interacting with the boy. Moments later, Jim found himself doing an impromptu performance with Kermit for an entire group of children who had gathered around to watch. Juliana said, It was so memorable to me because time just stopped. It was a wonderfully magical moment where you experience someones true joy with their work. imdb/title/tt0087755/trivia?ref_=tt_trv_trv Am I telling you to bury your heads in the sand and only focus on the good? No, that is simply unrealistic. What I am telling you? Ill let the Doctor sum it up. (Hey Im a nerd whaddya want?) The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. The good things don’t always soften the bad things, but vice versa the bad things don’t always spoil the good things and make them unimportant. Thats my $.02.
Posted on: Wed, 18 Jun 2014 00:51:31 +0000

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