Hey guys, Were a small band based out of Rochester New York - TopicsExpress


Hey guys, Were a small band based out of Rochester New York called Dividing The Skyline. Weve spent the past four years constantly touring the country, playing music, and chasing our dream. Weve put out two albums, toured through 40 states, and have traveled over 80,000 miles while doing so. Its fair to say that this consumes all of our lives, but at the end of the day we wouldnt have it any other way. Unfortunately though sometimes, life throws you some curve balls that knock you down, and you need others help to get back on your feet. Last November, while we were on tour, after a show in Denver en route to Salt Lake City, I(Nate) hit a patch of black ice and got the van and trailer stuck in the middle of I-80 facing on coming traffic. At the time, I was going 10 mph when it spun. Unfortunately the rest of traffic wasnt exactly aware of the driving conditions. After being stuck for about 15 seconds, a semi truck hit the same patch of ice that we did at about 50 Miles per hour and hit us clear in their path on the drivers side. There was nothing either of us could do, besides just brace for impact and pray. Somehow by gods grace, we were all able to walk away from the crash with only a few cuts and bruises but the van and trailer were both absolutely demolished. Thinking about the crash still just reminds me how thankful we are to be alive, however losing the van and trailer was a major downfall. This was the vehicle I had been working constant hours at a local restaurant, to buy. The trailer that I had to sit down and work out a business plan with my dad to get a loan for, that was finally almost paid off. We had some hope that insurance would leave us in an okay standing, but when we got it back, it was almost half of what we had bought the van and trailer for, leaving us down in the ditches hard financially. Not to mention the cost of flying home, hotels, and all other accommodations that were made regarding the crash. This left us in a very confusing situation for all of us. Do we continue trying to move forward as a band or do we call it quits? Josh was halfway done with college at PITT, both Connor and Nate had other music offers on the table, and our singer had just left the band to peruse other musical endeavors. It was a tough time because the band finally felt like it was moving forward. We had label interest, we started getting better tour offers, it was finally on the upswing. How do you even start to pick up the pieces when you dont even have full line up and are out that much money? We sat on hiatus for a few months, Josh returned to school, Nate joined the Victory Records band The Bunny, The Bear, and Connor returned back to his hometown in Indiana. It didnt take long for us to realize that we needed this back in our life. Finally, we all mutually decided we were going to do whatever it took to get this back and running. We found a new guitarist named Jake and decided to shake things up a little bit and bring in a female singer. As soon as the college year was over, and I got off tour with TBTB, we immediately got to work. Now all of us are working full time jobs, trying to put together every dime we possibly can. But even with working 40+ hours a week, moneys still going to be tight, so were asking for some help for you to step in and help get us back on the road. In order to go back out on the road, we needed some updated recordings with our new line up, which well be recording a new EP this June with Rob Freeman at The Pilot Studios which is where a lot of our personal money that were earning is going, everything left over from that will be put into in a new van and trailer. Our goal is to hit the road one last time as DTS in July, then drop the new EP under a new name and constantly tour off that for as long as possible. Please, if you have met us along the road, or our paths have ever crossed, you know that weve put everything we have into this band. Weve slept in our van for almost 40 nights in a row, gone into debt to finish tours, driven hours and hours to play for 15 people in a town weve never heard of, all without label support. Were giving up other projects that are signed, college, good jobs, and numerous other opportunities to do the one thing we love. Weve poured our hearts into this and were asking for your help. If you have any extra cash, please donate and help us get back on the road. We will never be able to full express how thankful we truly are. Even if you dont have anything or cant contribute, please share the page and hopefully some other people will help us out as well. Thank you so much for your time, Hope to see ya on the road! -Nate Blasdell, Jake Evans, Connor Mitchener, Chrissy Gerace, and Josh Miller gofundme/dividingtheskyline
Posted on: Tue, 27 May 2014 02:11:50 +0000

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