Hey guys, been reading thru a few posts from this group and all I - TopicsExpress


Hey guys, been reading thru a few posts from this group and all I can say is...Wow, the overpowering feelings and mixed emotions we men have to endure, is maddening! To have so much love for your child, the one of a kind miracle only you could create and at the same time, the complete hatred bitterness towards the heartless beaatch who would use an innocent child like a pawn in chess. Alot of times, Its enough to push any sane man over the edge and sometimes, into the unknown. I then remembered all the times, a few years back,how a simple argument could escalate into WWIII at my house.next came the kids tears,the false accusations, the long days and months locked in a cage to replay it over and again in my head. It seemed like nothing i could do or say would better my chances. But I never gave up.And I can now say, for the first time in my life, that Im happy, and really,mean it. I chose to grow up, my ex didnt. I now have full custody of my 11 year old twins and 14 year old boy, How? I simply waited for the right time to strike. She collected a huge insurance check that we waited years for and as expected, she was gone.. I then had my lawyer send the divorce papers w/custody written up in fine print (my name) to her mothers address, ,its her mailing address and also knowing that her mother and her were on bad terms at the time) The 90 days went by (like mollasses for me),she was told of no deadline, and then finally, day 90. She lost by default. The timing was perfect. And, just so you know guys, raising kids is alot more challenging than i had expected, to most dudes, its all about justwinning; But then comes every day after that, it really takes alot out of you. Mentally,physically,(remember sleep?) I can only say to all of you, Hang in there, those kids need you, one day theyll be old enough to grasp what happened and maybe, with a little luck and some devious tactics, the tables will turn and you will start calling all the shots. It did for me. Anywayz, hope my story helps some of yall regain that confidence and make shit happen! Good luck~
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 15:09:27 +0000

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