Hey guys i just wanted to share with yall a little story this - TopicsExpress


Hey guys i just wanted to share with yall a little story this morning. For those who know me, know I am a preachers daughter what you may not know is I am hugely jaded by christianity as a whole (sometimes i think u have to be a preachers kid, wife or pastor to understand this) THIS DOESNT MEAN I DONT BELIEVE IN GOD.... I however dont go to church very often anymore neways back on point..... My dad is in the hospital now since this past Tuesday and we found out Friday that he had an infection in the bone of his foot and the were going to have to amputate it from the calf down. I pretty sure i cried for the better part of Fri and Fri night here is my dad Vietnam Veteran my hero made it thru hell and back and negligence on the part of a dr from 4 yrs ago is going to break him?? I have been angry sad upset pissed terrified etc (you know the average life span of an amputee who has this surgery is only 5 yrs?) I asked you guys to say some prayers for my family and the overwhelming amount of messages i received, well wishes, txt,pms was completely overwhelming! FIRST THANK YOU I HAVE ONLY MEET A FEW OF YOU FACE TO FACE, BUT I BY FAR HAVE SOME OF THE MOST AMAZING FRIENDS ON HERE YOU GUYS TOUCHED MY HEART! Yesterday afternoon i had come to the house for a few and my mother called me... She sd Lesley i just talked to Ty(one of my dads oldest friends) up at the hospital(i immediately switch to flip out mode whats wrong etc) my mom says nothing dr.jamie(the pediatrist) came to see my dad (he has a pediatrist,reg md, infectious disease dr, and ortho surgeon) she started going thru all of my dads reports( mri, blood work etc) and she sd john(my dads name) no where on any of these reports or the Drs notes can i find anything stating you have an infection in your bone) WAIT WHAT????? (This is the nicer version of what i sd to my mother)... My mom sd Lesley Dr.jamie thinks we need a second opinion and that he absolutely DOES NOT need to have his foot amputated. (At this point I am not sure if I wanna laugh or cry, be really happy or extremely pissed off!) so i repeat everything my mom sd to me as in did I just here what you sd correctly?? She sd yes i am on my way to the room and gonna speak with the Dr and i will call you as soon as i hear something just stay home rest etc. My mom calls me this morning and they had a new ortho surgeon come in who has never laid eyes on the case to review it and gv an opinion.....THE ORTHO DR AGREED WITH THE PEDIATRIST HE DOESNT NEED AN AMPUTATION!!!!! They are going to arrogate his wound and put a pump on it and keep him until Thursday(restart cumodin etc) and he will come home and have a home health nurse that comes by to do wound dressing..... I dont know how to say THANK YOU in a way that its fitting..... For anyone who doesnt believe in the power of prayer here is an excellent example of prayer hard at work!!! There was no reason for Dr Jamie to come by on a Sat afternoon she had released his care to the other specialist, there was no need for her to look at his chart while she was there but she did! Sooo many things had to line up for this to happen how and when it did and i dont think any power on earth other than God couldve done that. SO THANK YOU TO EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU WHO WAS SAYING PRAYERS ON MY FAMILIES BEHALF! I told my dad Friday(he knows i hv a fb page called BFIF and he knows a few folks i am close to) I sd dad there are so many people praying for you right now and he sorta chuckled and sd maybe we will get a miracle.......WE DID!!! I have never been on this side of tragedy and the power of prayer work usually I am on the other side so this is new for me (im not complaining just spiritually full and overwhelmed!) Well i have taken up enough of your Sunday i just felt i needed to share this bc well its AMAZING WHAT GOD CAN DO, TO SAY THANK YALL FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART THANK YOU!! I KNOW WITHOUT EACH ONE OF YOUR PRAYERS THIS WOULDNT HAVE HAPPENED!! I will be back in full swing by Monday of next week they are keeping my dad till Fri and we will be with them all wk and thru the wknd!:) MUCH LOVE AND RESPECT TO ALL OF YOU YALL TRULY ARE THE BEST!!:) Fatesvoice
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 20:30:34 +0000

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