Hey guys im sure your all aware of the Michael Brown case but i - TopicsExpress


Hey guys im sure your all aware of the Michael Brown case but i wrote an essay about it in one of my classes and wanted to share some of it with you. Read it and you won regret it:) Michael Brown story goes like this, Michael Brown and a friend where walking down the street when a Police officer by the name of Darren Wilson drove up next to them and told them to move to the sidewalk. An altercation had started to arise between Michael, his friend, and Darren. Michael and his friend fled in different directions, Officer Wilson pursued Michael. Wilson fired a total of twelve shots witch six had hit all to Browns front. Many different sides, view point, and stories have been told. This shooting had uproar in Ferguson, many protest have happened and will continue to happen, both peaceful and violent. The hearing of this incident just happened last month in November. On Monday November 24th Darren Wilson was elected innocent and let free. This blew up and many people rioted. Oakland, Los Angeles, Chicago, Ferguson, Seattle and New York among the major cities to protest and riot. I was in LA and Inglewood from the November 22nd to the 25th. I actually had no idea about the hearing happening that evening. I was on my phone and the social media world exploded. I received many texts telling me to be careful because there were riots happening. I turned on the news and was in utterly shocked. Being there in that environment made me want to know more about the case and educated myself. A few days prior to this Consciousness-Raising Activity my roommates, one of my friends, and myself had about a two hour conversation about this Michael Brown case. Everyone’s opinion different and valued. Just like I said earlier many different sides, issues, and stories told. Towards the end of the debate we watched two videos that changed all of our views towards the case. The first one was a rap video a man by the name of Rob Hustle Featuring Bump made called Call the Cops. A video showing many police brutality clips while being rapped over. A very disturbing video, yet powerful and moving. The second video was a video about a Forensic pathologist named Cyril Wecht explaining the shooting in the Michael Brown case. He says that Michael Brown was hit twice in the arm one in the forearm and one in the upper arm with the bullets having an upward trajectory. Officer Wilson claimed that Brown did not have his hands up in the air when asked. Mr. Wecht begs to differ, Officer Wilson is 6 feet tall and Michael Brown is 6 foot 5, the only way the bullets were to have an upward trajectory is if his hands where in the air. Then the next two bullet wounds were in the chest having a downward trajectory, he goes on to explain the next two bullets are in the head which the wounds are perpendicular to the ground. This means that Michael Brown after being shot twice in the arm, was falling down, shot twice more in the chest and right before he hit the ground he was shot two more times in the head. Office Darren Wilson claimed that Michael Brown was an imitate threat. Michael Brown was unarmed wearing shorts and a tee shirt, I pose the question where is the threat? If Office Wilson feels that Michael Brown posed a threat to his life. Then how in the world can he be a police officer in Fergusson dealing with real life threats armed and dangerous. (Cyril Wecht) -Share to raise consciousness-
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 03:27:48 +0000

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