Hey guys, it is do important to provide support to those that - TopicsExpress


Hey guys, it is do important to provide support to those that need. Unfortunately MS can make life quite hard for men and women in the prime time of their life at a young age. This wonderful group provide support and accommodation that is essential to see them through this time. Have a read about why: Please donate of you can on the like below! xx https://mssociety.org.au/donate/ms/ No matter the time of year, there’s nothing like the magic of friendship. Katy is 37. Jason is 42. Until two years ago, Katy and Jason had never met but today they are great friends. Yet Katy and Jason have more in common than most close friends - both have multiple sclerosis (MS). They’re also neighbours and live in MS - ACT/NSW/VIC supported accommodation in Power Street. For Katy, it’s somewhere other than the aged care facility where she remembers with dread the many nights she cried herself to sleep, sharing a room with an 81-year-old lady with dementia. For Jason, it’s a far cry from being homeless after the break-up of his marriage; wheelchair-bound and totally dependent on carers for his every personal need. “Living here at Power Street is great”, says Katy. “I have real independence even though I need assistance in everyday activities, such as showering, dressing, cooking and the management of my medications. Jason and I head off to the local coffee shop each morning – you should see the two of us in our motorised wheel chairs scooting down the street!” Amanda, we have hundreds of young people needing our supported accommodation either on a permanent or temporary basis. Will you please lend us a hand once more by making an online donation today? Numbers 59 and 63 Power Street are not only home to Katy and Jason, but also eight other young residents who otherwise may have been placed into aged care facilities. All are especially grateful to have somewhere to call their own special place to live - homes they would not now have without the ongoing support and kindness shown by people like you who have participated in an MS-associated event this year. “Power Street and our other supported homes provide our residents with a caring and happy environment to live,” says Lucy, the supervisor of the two houses MS – ACT/NSW/VIC manages. “That’s why we make such an effort for them throughout the year. I didnt hear what Katy said to Jason when I snapped this photo the other day, but my guess is they were planning their respective Kris Kringle gifts for the other residents for Christmas. They certainly come up with some rather unique and quirky gifts and create some very cheeky cards.” I know you share my sentiments when I say, “Everyone deserves the opportunity to live their lives to the fullest.” At MS – ACT/NSW/VIC we provide ongoing services to 14,000 men, women and children living with MS - services like counselling, the MS Connect Hot line, Community Support Workers and Peer Support. Services that only people like you make possible. Will you help those living with MS and especially those who require supported accommodation with your most generous gift as we head into Christmas? A gift of $35 or what ever you can donate today will enable us to continue to offer our extensive range of services – many of which Katy and Jason and their neighbors have required over the years. Thank you for making your online donation today. On behalf of all the staff at MS - ACT/NSW/VIC, Katy, Jason and the many Australians living with multiple sclerosis, I would like to thank you for your continued generous support during 2013. We wish you and your loved ones a very festive, memorable and happy Christmas.
Posted on: Thu, 05 Dec 2013 02:41:42 +0000

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