Hey guys, just thought Id post one of these right before I - TopicsExpress


Hey guys, just thought Id post one of these right before I accepted my offer this weekend. Super thrilled to start a new chapter of my life! Name: Priya Thomas Hometown: Hoodbridge (Woodbridge) High School: Emily Carr Secondary School Age: 17 Faculty: Life Science Intended major: Not sure Favorite Music: Everything from Billy Joel to Queen to The XX to Hillsong to Kendrick to Backstreet Boys to old Maroon 5 to The Beatles Favourite TV Shows: HIMYM, Greys Anatomy, Suits, The price is right (anyone?) Favourite Movies: I Am Legend pretty much has my heart Favourite Blogs/Websites: YouTube/ FB/ Khan Academy (saviour) Favourite Food: Shawarma hands down Sports you play: uh Do you party?: not often Do you drink?: not often Do you drink coffee/tea? I am coffee/tea Do you smoke?: no Is it okay if your roommate drinks?: yes Is it okay if your roommate smokes?: no Religion: Christian Level of commitment: pretty committed Into politics?: here and there Ever had a roommate?: yes Night owl or early bird?: I honestly dont sleep Time you go to bed on weeknights/weekends: Weeknights: 12/1AM, Weekends: I dont Time you wake up on weekdays/weekends: incapable of sleeping in- so usually 6/7am Do you snore?: not that i know of Are your grades important: yes but they arent everything Do you mind having people in your room?: nope Do you mind having people stay over night?: nope If so, how often?: as long as i can get my stuff done, Im good How often do you talk on the phone?: quite often Any unusual habits?: i put sticky notes all around my room to learn things/I love oatmeal with peanut butter and jam (so good) Clean or messy?: somewhere smack in the middle Shy or outgoing?: idk how to be shy Lazy or active?: somewhere smack in the middle Are you going to be working a job on/off campus?: prob not
Posted on: Wed, 21 May 2014 23:30:52 +0000

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