Hey guys… this is Shaileen!!! Today I am sharing with you my - TopicsExpress


Hey guys… this is Shaileen!!! Today I am sharing with you my adoption story. Most people are shocked when they find out my age and know that we have already gone through the adoption process, well it’s because my journey started at a young age. At the age of 14 I was rushed to the emergency room to find I had a softball size cyst on my right ovary and another small one on my left. I was told at that time is suffered from PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome), and that I have a very severe case of it. I was told at that precious age that it would be very difficult for me to ever conceive a child on my own. I married my best friend in April of 2009. We never tried to prevent pregnancy and in January of 2010, knowing my issues, we met with an Infertility specialist. After 1.5 years of extremely invasive infertility treatments, two surgeries for my later diagnosed Endometriosis, and ZERO success, our doctor pulled us in and said that my body is just not responding and we need to start exploring other options. Kurt and I prayed about it and we immediately knew the only way we would ever grow our family would be through adoption. So we began the process. We had our profile published November 15th, 2011. We were chosen for the first time in January of 2012. Our expectant mom was just 5 months pregnant at the time so we had lots of time to prepare. We went to every doctor’s appointment with her and got together often. She had a scheduled c-section on July 31st (Kurt’s birthday oddly enough) and she asked that both Kurt and I be in the delivery room with her! I was the first to hold him and we spent those three days in the hospital loving on that sweet little angel. We left the night before papers were to be signed to go to a family celebration. While at the dinner table, in front of all of our friends and family, we received the worst call of our entire lives. She decided to parent. That sweet boy I had grown to love and call my own was gone just like that. We were ruined. I cried for days without stopping. I didn’t know if I would ever be the same. With some hesitation on my side we had our profile published again. On Halloween 2012 we received a call from a family friend saying she had an expectant mother that wanted to meet with us. We met that night and she had told us that she was in an abusive relationship and had decided to place her son with us! We were elated. She was also just 5 months along and was due the end of February 2013. We went through the process again and we grew an INCREDIBLE relationship with this sweet woman. The time came and our sweet boy was here. She text us a picture and said it was time to come and meet our son! We rushed to the hospital as quickly as we could. We had found out shortly before he was born that the BirthFather decided to petition for custody of this sweet boy. We knew that at the time that was not safe for this baby so we agreed to fight for him. We left the hospital with our baby boy in tow and Legal Guardianship and temporary custody over him. That first night at home was SLEEPLESS to say the least; we couldn’t keep our eyes off of him. The next morning we, once again, received that devastating call. She told us that she couldn’t go through with it and decided she was going to parent him. I know this is a long story, but please bear with me!! The story and a VERY happy ending!! As devastated as we were, we knew our child was still out there waiting for us. So back online we went!! We continued on the process of working on US! We knew that as long as we were prepared IT WOULD HAPPEN! I got an incredible new job and Kurt and I were able to move into our Dream Home!!!! On Father’s Day 2013 we received THE CALL!!! It was different this time. This woman answered the phone and asked if she was speaking with me. I told her yes and she very casually just started talking about “OUR SON”. This was our FIRST time talking. It was just like she had no doubt, no reservation in her voice at all. She had made her decision and was concrete in it!! This time from the very beginning just felt easier. We met Mama Sarrina just a few days later and grew to LOVE her very quickly. She told us all about her life, her other children, and her hopes for her SON! Yes, you read that right! Third time is the charm!! We were really meant to have a boy I guess!!! She wasn’t dues for another few months but 7 weeks early she was admitted to the hospital for heavy bleeding caused by Placenta Previa. They tried keeping him cooking as long as possible but on the night of July 6th, 2013 they decided they needed to do an emergency c-section. At the last minute Sarrina asked if I would WANT to be in there with her! DUH?!!?!? Kurt anxiously awaited while we went back. He was delivered at 7:57pm but was NOT breathing. The umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck so many times it had been cutting off his oxygen and he was bright blue. I was terrified and Sarrina started crying asking why he wasn’t crying. After the longest 1 minute and 27 seconds of my life… a cry!!!!!!!! Our miracle baby weighed a mighty 4lbs 8ozs and was just 16.5in long. He was on oxygen for the first 18 hours but besides that he was PERFECT! This time was so different. She allowed me to stay at the hospital the entire time, she WANTED our family to come and visit, and she was so positive through the whole thing. The time came for her to sign… how could you not be nervous??? Our caseworker came back out and told us to come and hold OUR SON!!!!!! It finally happened! He was ours! I don’t say ours as in mine and Kurt’s; I say ours as in we now have this HUGE family. Jax has TWO loving mothers and fathers and brothers and sisters and grandparents… this huge extended family that was MEANT TO BE!!! Adoption is a MIRACLE and my family sure has been blessed through it! I am one lucky lady!!!
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 00:45:46 +0000

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