Hey here is my speech for everybody who might not have come last - TopicsExpress


Hey here is my speech for everybody who might not have come last night. Wish you all could have been there!! Treasurer speech Good Evening students of Oxford College. My name is Jon Chylinski and I am running for treasurer of SGA. To be honest, while I was writing this speech I searched for some tips on Google. Google, in response, gave me a four step procedure on quote “How to write a Student Election Speech”. So let’s go through the steps. Step 1: Start your speech by welcoming your classmates and thanking them for attending. Welcome everybody! Thank You! Step 2: Introduce yourself, describe what office you’re running for and quickly state why you’re the best candidate. Well, I’m a business major hoping to concentrate in finance, and I have already taken several advanced math classes, so when it comes to finance and math, I would say I’m fairly qualified. In addition, I am very organized. Come to my room if you don’t believe me. I promise you, you won’t be disappointed. Step 3: Focus on the student body’s interest. What are some things that students have been requesting at your school? Well I don’t think anybody here wants anything else but money from the treasurer. So as treasurer, I guess I promise you money? Step 4: Tell your classmates that if you are elected, you’ll be working through them. Ok, honestly, this idea always seems like your typical political gambit. How could I, as treasurer, “work” through everybody at the same time. If I got everyone what they wanted, SGA would be broke in less than a week. No, I don’t promise you that I will work through you, but instead for you in the most fair and neutral way possible. But honestly, is that it? Is that my speech? Why is there some formula designed to win me a seat in SGA? None of the responsibilities of a treasurer state “Make fancy flyers” or “give fancy speeches”. Here is what I’ll do as treasurer. First, I will make it easier for clubs with really small budgets to get their budgets approved. There is no need for a club that takes up a tiny percentage of the total budget to be scrutinized over every little detail they spend. Yes, there needs to be some scrutiny, but nothing over the top. Second, I promise to not play favorites. Every club deserves an equal chance of getting the funds they need. Having a variety of clubs is vital to a college campus because it allows each individual a chance to pursue hobbies that especially interest them, whether it is intramural basketball, longboarding, or even politics. Lastly, I promise to be honest and open with every oxford student. As you can tell from this speech, I am not going to go around campus and play the game of politics. I am the type of guy who likes to tell things the way they are. So let’s take the politics out of politics and vote Jon Chylinski as your next SGA Treasurer.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 22:02:38 +0000

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