Hey, heres a hopefully funny for ya! I havent posted my article - TopicsExpress


Hey, heres a hopefully funny for ya! I havent posted my article that I do for the MN/IA paper, AgriNewsr for you in a while. So here it is: It Didn’t Last There I was, doing my own thing while the kids are back at school, Tedd, our two year old and I were keeping ourselves busy with wool washing, inside chores, sewing, selling art and wrapping up the garden, but slowly and surely it was happening... Baby animals were coming. Yes folks...more critters to add to my daily routine. How was this happening? Just weeks ago Ron and I had sold the pigs, the bottle calves, about 50 ducks, butchered the last hundred broiler chickens and were quite frankly basking in the delight of not having an extra mouth to feed. It was utter enjoyment. As a side note, if the calves are born here, we put momma and baby in to a sick pen for a week and she can feed her calf for a week then we decide to sell or not to sell. If it comes from the other feedlot, we have to feed it from day one. Last week we got the first of such calves that we’ve had in a while. A little charolais cross heifer that was no bigger than a minute and wanted to curl up on your lap like a cat. The kids took one look at her and about chained their bodies to hers and said she was staying. My 4 year old named her of all things, Bill and she escaped the sale barn delivery man with her unbelievable cuteness. I believe she has given me the “ha ha look every so often. Now a bottle to make twice a day. Yesterday as I was working on a sign for a client, the phone rang. As soon as he said hello, I knew exactly who it was and I instantly wanted to disconnect my phone, lose all our cell phones and move to Norway. Oh and lose my email address too. It was the piglet guy, Steve. GROAN. Now as a person, Steve is fabulous! He’s a great dad of seven kids, his wife is nice, he’s a church guy and a real stand up man. But he sells us piglets in the fall, therefore I can never like him as a business man. Understand? I mean, for Pete’s sake, doesn’t he care that our hoses burst in the barn, waterers freeze up, and mice crawl up your arm when you get feed out of the bag? If I need to say more, I’ll say this: heat lamps...in a barn build in the 1920’s, straw, rambunctious piglets. I worry...I check out the window each night making sure there’s no flames. Did I ever tell you that fall born piglets take years off my life? Well I tried telling Steve this but he had 30 piglets to sell and didn’t want to hear my concerns. our conversation went a little like this: Me: Hello? Steve: Hey Suzanne is Ron around? He didn’t answer his cell. Me: Oh....hi Steve, it’s because he’s moved to an island that doesn’t take baby piglets in October. Steve: huh? Me: I’m kidding...let me guess you have some piglets to sell. I don’t’ know if we are interested... Steve: Aren’t you doing your pumpkin patch or anything? Me: No and were trying to simplify our life and piglets don’t fit into that game plan. Steve: Seriously? You’re seriously telling me you don’t want pigs? Oh wait, Ron’s calling me back...I’ll talk to him about it. Darn it! MEN! What was I going to do? Steve could sell ice to an Eskimo, Ron has no control over Steve the Pigman’s persuasiveness. I tried to send my husband good thoughts through mental telepathy I closed my eyes tight and said, “just remember, you complain every winter about having pigs, you hate it, think man, think!” I should have just sent him a text saying “DON’T DO IT!” Think Suzanne think!!! About a half an hour later Ron came up to the house and as I crossed my fingers, toes and legs, I asked in small voice, “Well, what did you tell Steve?” With a big wide grin and a wink he tells me, “I just told him to bring out eight of them.” GROAN again! So if you come looking for me, I’ll be out in the pig pen spreading straw and saying a prayer that my barn won’t burn to the ground. But when all said and done, I will start to think that piglets are like chips, you can’t just have some, eat them up and not buy more. LOL! Then I’ll be catching a baby pig with all the kids, holding it, petting it and naming it Lewiss, Charlotte, Ethel or Eagle (Yes, we’ve had a pig named Eagle) . We’ve got naming issues. Until next week, Fairchild Farmgirl
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 01:17:05 +0000

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