Hey journalists, let me be clear. You are nothing but an extension - TopicsExpress


Hey journalists, let me be clear. You are nothing but an extension of the DNC. Congratulations for following your marching orders from obamadinejad and holder. Also, nice try repeatedly trying to change the narrative, AND condition us with, ...Darren Wilson, the white cop, who shot an unarmed BLACK teenager... BLAH, BLAH, BLAH..... Not so fast, HELOTS. Dont insult us with DOJ talking points. There is a little thing called the 5th Amendment. DUE PROCESS, people!!!! Heres the deal, America, - Michael Brown made a series of very, very bad decisions. Was it his environment, or his parents? Look at his parents fighting other relatives over t-shirts! They raised this thug-MAN. Dont take my word for it. See for yourself. youtu.be/ZbPbX76cOVQ Did that appear to be a gentle giant to you? This gentle giant was a 64, nearly 300 pound MAN. Ten minutes prior to his assault of Officer Wilson, he committed a robbery and assaulted a clerk, on tape! Could it be that he committed crimes in the past, and always got away with it, so he felt invincible? Just asking. Put yourself in Darren Wilsons shoes. If you had a 64, nearly 300 pound man charging towards you, assaults you, and tries to take your gun, what would YOU do?????!!!!!!!!! Was it really worth it? From Content of Character to Slaves of colossal stupidity in three generations. Well done, Fool-Aid Nation!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 02:56:17 +0000

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