Hey, lets discuss the Full Frame VS Crop Sensor debate quickly. I - TopicsExpress


Hey, lets discuss the Full Frame VS Crop Sensor debate quickly. I started with a 35mm film camera, and progressed to a 350D.I moved through the ranks and currently own a 5D3. I suck at photography but love it anyway. There must be a million threads, on a million sites with some enthusiastic cameraphile asking the timeless question. what camera should I buy Then some jaded old timer sighs and asks, what do you want to shoot? and regardless of the answer a hundred suggestions come up immediately that reads like a what camera was released yesterday list. And most of the afficionados suggest a full frame camera. because theyre better. but are they really? and then, what are they better at, and by how much? Most of us asking this sort of question simply are not good enough to utilize the Full Frame camera to the point where the extra DOF and the slightly better low light handling makes a damn bit of difference. Please understand I am not running you down. Im simply saying people who are learning to drive dont need to learn in Ferraris. Also, you are limited to EF lenses with Full Frame Cameras and if you are starting out, not having that impediment is more likely to fan your enthusiasm than dampen it. I would challenge anyone here to a pasta dinner if they can tell the difference between photo taken by a 5D3 and a 550D, just by looking at the photo. And isnt that what we are ultimately about? Taking PHOTOS? My point is if you are looking at a camera, understand that even middle of the range cameras are freaking amazing lately. Get a body you can live with and spend on glass. Lenses. They make a difference, and a big one. Much bigger visual difference between a 50mm 1.8 and a 18-55 4.5 than between a 5D3 and a 550D. Much cheaper too. Invest time in yourself and learn about LIGHT. It makes a big difference. You can create magic with older cameras. If you hate your money, go full frame immediately. 5D3 with a bunch of L Lenses. They are awesome creamy deliciousness.They will make you a nicer person. But you dont know how to use them yet. But hey, its your money. You can do what you want. Except for one thing: Any Canon shooter that is halfway serious about photography must shoot with a 5D1 and a 50mm 1.8 for at least a year. Its compulsory and will change your medium to long term plans. Thus ends the sermon.
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 04:46:27 +0000

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