Hey man, did you hear that Stephen Hawking is saying that black - TopicsExpress


Hey man, did you hear that Stephen Hawking is saying that black holes arent real? I wonder what other garbage scientists have been pushing on us! No. Shut up. Dr. Hawking recently submitted a publication that is shaking up what we know about black holes. He has been working to try to resolve a paradox that exists between Einsteins general relativity and quantum mechanics. The paper has not gone through peer review. What weve been learning about black holes is that they are very dense areas in space-time that have a strong enough gravity to suck everything in, and that there is a point-of-no-return, known as the event horizon. All information is lost once it passes through the event horizon. What does this have to do with Einstein? Einstein predicted the existence of black holes and what we have since learned has supported their existence. There is one issue, however, known as the firewall paradox, that results from what we have learned with the advent of quantum physics. According to Einsteins physics, something that is drifting through space would be drifting as anything would in space until it reached the black hole, at which point it would be ripped to shreds and subsequently crushed as it reached the center, never to escape. This event horizon would be nice, even, and smooth. Quantum mechanics, however, tells us that particles can escape black holes. This is a phenomenon known as Hawking Radiation, named after the scientist who theorized it. Factoring this radiation in, scientists thought that there was a ring of fire just inside of the event horizon (the firewall of the firewall paradox). There is where the paradox lies: is the event horizon smooth or is there a ring of fire? Now we fast forward to January 22 of this year with Hawkings new paper. In order to attempt to solve this paradox (physicists are debating whether or not it fixes anything). Hawking is now saying that there is no fixed event horizon. Rather, the event horizon is more of a garbled mess of horizons that shift based on the behavior of the quantum particles within the black hole. Thats all, folks. New science is making scientists step back and look at what they know about older science. Here is a link to Hawkings paper: arxiv.org/pdf/1401.5761.pdf Here is a link to a Yahoo News article about Hawkings paper: news.yahoo/black-holes-even-weirder-stephen-hawking-theory-114442413.html
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 19:28:35 +0000

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