Hey peeps, Well..... All good things have come to an end for - TopicsExpress


Hey peeps, Well..... All good things have come to an end for the bike adventure and Im heading back to Australia. Putting out a huge thanks to everyone who put me up, helped and shared time with me here in Europe. Your all wonderful and my trip wouldnt of been the same without you. It has amazed me throughout my trip the pure generosity of people who I had only just met, plus not forgetting previous or past encountered travellers and friends that I visited along the way. If your ever traveling in Australia or which ever country I end up in, Ill be more than happy to return the hospitality. These experiences have opened my hunger to explore more countrys and set out for many more adventures in the future on the bike! Everyone has asked me what was my favourite country........ For me this is a hard to answer as every place I visited literally blew my mind! A few stats of my tour of Europe on the Bike...... Bike: 2003 BMW 1150GS 32,000km (Only 8000km off from riding the circumference of the world) 570km average per day 400 hundred hours in the saddle 20 countrys, Ireland, UK, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Austria, Czech, Poland, Slovakia, Bosnia, Croatia, Montenegro and Italy 1920 litres of fuel 2 lay overs 1 crash 230 hours of listening to music Getting lost...... Countless times No speeding fines! 2 near death experiences Thousands of odd Head nods, boot kicks or biker waves (Excluding accidental and embarrassing waves to scooters that looked a motorcycles 😳) Also a huge thanks to the Mcardle and Maginnis familys in Ireland, looking after me when I was sick, I dont know what I would of done without you guys! Until the next adventure......... Take care, love you all and rubber side down always helps 😉 See you soon Aus!
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 06:39:00 +0000

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