Hey this is NOT SPAM HEY THIS IS NOT YOU LOST WEIGHT SPAM Hello this one of the RECRUITERS for S.U.C.H. Model Inc. Management Firm, we are and independently owned Model Management firm based out of Detroit, MI. S.U.C.H. , The job of a personal manager may include preparing a model to be in a market, getting her book together, specializes in talent management & teaching models how to take high quality photos & be professional . So we can present her to agencies to be signed by them remember image is everything.Personal managers, development companies and management companies are not agencies. FOR ALL MODELS or if you are an aspiring model looking to get your foot in the door? Do you have management or represented by anyone ? Are you experienced & looking to get in more publications? Are you a published model trying to stay in circulation? If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions, S.U.C.H. MODEL INC MANAGEMENT FIRM CAN get you published without the difficulty or struggle of doing it on your own. THIS IS A MUST READ FOR MODELS OR THOSE WHO WANT TO LISTEN S.U.C.H.MODEL INC. PLAYS IT FORWARD: OUR MANAGEMENT FIRM IS DESIGNED TO HELP S.U.C.H. MODELS IN SEARCH OF PUBLISHING S.U.C.H. MODEL INC. Guarantees Publishing THIS was constructed to help OUR models secure spots in print & digital magazines, as well as entertainment websites; not just wonder whether or not they’ll be published or if they have what it takes to be published in the 1st place.Most ladies in the industry know what kind of hassle it is to blindly submit materials to a publication in hopes of hearing back from them. In most cases getting published is all about who you know. And if you don’t know who to go to or have the right guidance from someone that can actually help you, you can get left in the dark. WE HAVE BEEN ON T.V. JUDGE MATHIS SHOW for exposure and WON GOT GREAT EXPOSURE OFF THAT WE WILL HAVE A VERY UNIQUE CALENDAR FOR 2015 DIFFERENT THEN OTHERS OUT THERE.WE HAVE BEEN IN DMI (Digital Magazine Imagery) WITH OVER 200K VIEWS THATS HOW YOU BUILD YOUR BRAND UP TO BECOME MARKETABLE IN OTHER CITIES MODELS HAVE BEEN SEEN IN . AGAIN WE HAVE HAD A DIFFERENT MODEL IN A DIFFERENT MAGAZINE IN DIFFERENT STATES EVERY MONTH IN 2012 AN IN 2013 AND 2014 ABOUT 40 DIFFERENT MAGAZINES WE ALSO HAD ONE MODEL IN ABOUT 10 BY HERSELF .WE WORK WITH WOMAN IN ST.LOUIS CHICAGO NEW ORLEANS AND MICHIGAN. WE HAVE BEEN BLESSED AND WANT TO SHARE OUR BLESSING SO COME GET YOURS DOES NOT MATTER WHERE YOU ARE LOCATED.WE KNOW HOW TO GIVE YOU EXPOSURE ITS UP TO YOU ON HOW YOU WANT TO BE SEEN WE FORCE KNOW ONE TO DO SOMETHING THEY ARE NOT COMFORTABLE TO DO. IT will benefit models on any level. If you’re wanting to get started or just getting started in the business, S.U.C.H. MODEL INC. will benefit you the most by getting you all the exposure you need to establish your name & face, as well as building your resume. If you’re an experienced model that has already done quite a few things, the program will benefit you by getting you featured in spots you haven’t been featured yet, therefore continuing to add on to your own resume. Your best photos are key in getting you published & will be chosen on a scale of high standards so that we can provide publishers with your best work. PERSONAL MANAGER VINCENT of S.U.C.H.MODEL INC. will personally handle this project & has high hopes of attracting ladies who are new to the industry that need an extra boost in getting their foot in the door. VINCENT has a wide array of connections at HIS disposal to certify the success of this project & is looking forward to not only dealing with publishers & website owners that we already deal with, but to also establish new connections. The MANAGEMENT will work on both sides of the spectrum; models get published & magazines/websites get quality ladies for their publications. S.U.C.H.MODEL INC MANAGEMENT FIRM is available to any / all models wanting to get published in print or internet. If you have top notch photos, we can get you published! Stop wasting your photos posting them all over social networks. Get published & show the world you’re not just INSTAGRAM ,TWITTER AND OH YEA FACE BOOK FAMOUS & LIKES..... which actually ISN’T FAMOUS AT ALL!! So if you are interested in more bout S.U.C.H. WE CAN GUARANTEE THAT WE CAN GET YOU EXPOSURE OUT OF YOUR STATE DOESNT MATTER WHERE YOU ARE AT SO YOU DONT HAVE TO POST PICTURES OF YOU ON FB FOR LIKES BUT BE PUBLISHED MODEL ON THE SIDE DONT HAVE TO QUIT YOUR DAY JOB OR SCHOOL WE WORK AROUND YOUR SCHEDULE !!!! So please call (IF INTERESTED) 313.2081768 or leave a # so we can respond (NOW IF YOU ARE INTERESTED I WOULD LIKE TO ADD YOU TO BUSINESS PAGE THIS A RECRUITMENT PAGE ALSO TAGG YOU TO SOME INFO ABOUT WHO WE ARE ).BUT Please if you are not interested dont except add as a friend just delete add so this message wont be bothering you AND plz thx again FROM S.U.C.H.Model Inc. We look forward to helping you reach new heights in the industry SO COME LET S GO GET YOUR BLESSING!!!! youtu.be/ADGnIi9KrLQ?list=PL40369761BD4ABB64
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 22:11:20 +0000

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