Hey, what do yall think about eliminating Quorum as a concept? - TopicsExpress


Hey, what do yall think about eliminating Quorum as a concept? Voting takes place physically at the Althing, and only at the Althing. After debate on an item ends, theres a five-minute warning before a physical vote. If you care enough to vote, but not debate, get your butt off the ditch field for five minutes and vote. If you cant make an event, you can send a notarized proxy vote with an attending Citizen. The section would look like this: III.5 Debate and Voting III.5.1 In order to facilitate conciseness and clarity in the Kingdom Althing, a policy of brevity will be maintained during debate on each agenda item. A citizen, once recognized by the Chair, may address the Althing, once, for up to five minutes. This time limit may be waived at the discretion of the Chair. Citizens recognized by the Chair may cede their time to another Citizen. III.5.2 Once debate has ended on an agenda item, the Chair will give five minutes notice before a vote is called. After the five minutes has passed, the Chair will call for a voice vote. If the outcome is clear, the Chair shall declare the vote completed. If the voice vote is, in the opinion of the Chair, too close to call, a count of hands shall occur. III.5.3 Citizens not able to physically attend the Althing may send their votes by proxy with another Citizen. A proxy vote shall be a notarized written statement that the bearer of the proxy vote, named in the statement, shall vote in the stead of the non-attending Citizen.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 04:34:18 +0000

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