Hey when October hits the level of brainwash that comes over us is - TopicsExpress


Hey when October hits the level of brainwash that comes over us is sickning !!!!!!!! In our minds we know that these holidays are foolish we also know that all these European holidays are nothing but a way for the elite to suck us bone dry for three months. Think about your childhood ...... if you were like me then you remember not having a costume for Halloween , not having enough food for thanksgiving , no toys for Christmas . How can something that was suppose to bring joy , bring such misery and depression . I will tell you why , because those days were not intended for us to enjoy , those days were meant to remind us that we dont belong , while also subconsciously convincing us to spend , spend , spend !!!!!!!!! Think about the commercials..... What images do you see??? ( European people , laughing and playing in the snow , large Christmas trees with presents , brand new cars with bows , the list goes on ....... Now look outside , are those the images that you see in your neighborhoods ??????? If anything these holidays bring more sorrow than joy. Think about the mothers and fathers who are working and struggling to make a way for their family and then christmas rolls around and they are breaking their necks to barely provide gifts for their children . Lets keep in mind that these parents have been taking care of their children all year long and on Christmas or thanksgiving these same families are depressed because they could not provide what society told them to buy for their children !!!!!!! We can no longer allow one day or holiday season to control our finances or the way we feel about ourselves . they have been working on January for a while now... (After holiday sale) . Lets start with October.... The candy is unhealthy...They have convinced us to give our kids bags full, but not their kids....their kids only eat (fruits and vegetables ).... Billy dont eat sugar . we spend all of our money on decorations ,costumes for the whole damn house Smfh . Next Thanksgivings. .... now this is the one that feels like a true one night stand......were enticed with warm feelings and heart felt songs. ....but its not until we see the sweet potatoes in the market. ..that makes us forget about how much money we just spent on Halloween......YUP....STUPID!....so now were out buying 50 dollar roasts.....and... 30 dollar turkeys.....and dont forget the sides and seasonings... A damn shame!.... and how about that gas bill for heating the house up..... for all them niggas that came over only to eat your shit up......I KNOW....I KNOW..STUPID RIGHT...but where not done its the best part.... The money month....its time for niggas to go get the economy booming with black friday....As if we havent been buying shit all year but lets keep it moving...... Here is a subconscious conversation to yourself....... how do I make this work?He wants a PS4.. 400 dollars... she wants a new phone..500 Dollars ,I need new wheels on the car.. and we still have to pay rent , hmmmmmm , Maybe they have a lay-a-way plan .... WOW WE STUPID....OH DID I MENTION YOU ONLY MAKE minimum wage ,BUT WE ALWAYS MAKE IT WORK RIGHT.... MOVING ON.....BLACK FRIDAY IS OVER..... now its December, time to do what..... yup spend more MONEY.....OK holiday season is finally over... WRONG ,its time for the after the holidays furniture sale BLOW OUT PRICES..... DONT MISS IT... ITS A STEAL !!!. ( we have financing available) LOOK.....LETS STICK TOGETHER AND BOYCOTT THESE MONTHS ALL TOGETHER... WE ARE THE ONLY People PARTICIPATING IN THEIR OPPRESSORS SUCCESS!!!! #politicallyfunny #sayno
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 23:21:47 +0000

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