Hey you all Id love to express to you a little bit of the reality - TopicsExpress


Hey you all Id love to express to you a little bit of the reality that I want to share with others and that I envision for our communities and eventually the earth as a whole.. I see a world where we all trust ourselves... Where our own personal experiences, and wisdom matter more than what we read in a book, or on the internet, what our teachers tell us, our parents, even our friends and family. Where what our SOUL sings to us, whispers ever so gently and softly, just loud enough that we can hear in the silence of our beingness... and we listen.. We let go of all the voices and influences that have been taught and programmed. We see beyond age, beyond skin color, beyond certifications, degrees, and the various masks and personality suits we put on... and we see people for who they truly are... Essence. I see a world where we openly welcome the warm, nurturing fuzzyness of love, and we invite the piercing, swordlike, wisdom of truth and light. Where we want and CHOOSE to be FREE of the programming that has enslaved humanity, and where we share freely with others, our essence, our service, our heart, our wisdom, and our joy. I see a world where there are no winners and losers.. There simply ARE people... People overflowing with energy in all its forms. True abundance that is birthed from within and is reflected without. I see a reality where we value ourselves and others with love and balance. Where we give just as much as we receive. That we receive just as much as we give. I see a reality of beings that are DONE with the EMOTIONAL CHARGES... that are willing to be 100% honest and transparent, to express and release the parts of us that keep us away from the memory of who we truly are. I see a reality of beings who have the ability and awareness to see the PERFECTION in it ALL, and choose to create in alignment with their own personal ethics, integrity, and hearts desire. I see a reality where SUPPORT one another. We wish for each-others success, and we celebrate our victories. I see an EARTH where we are all EMPOWERED and RESPONSIBLE. Where humans take responsibility for their own feelings, actions, thoughts, and energy. I see SOULS that REMEMBER that they are creators, that they are powerful, that they are the MESSENGER OF THEIR DESTINY. I see a world that remembers and celebrates the gift of CHOICE! I see a world without blame, without victims, without martyrs, without self-sabotage, without scarcity, without guilt, without shame, without confusion... I see a world of ABUNDANCE, JOY, OVERFLOW, RESPONSIBILITY, INTEGRITY, ETHICS, PEACE, ENTHUSIASM, TRUTH, and most importantly LOVE
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 04:05:11 +0000

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