Heyaaa, just chatting to Lauren and realised that not everyone - TopicsExpress


Heyaaa, just chatting to Lauren and realised that not everyone knew exactly what the Cho Si weekend entails! So I thought Id procrastinate from writing my thesis to write a brief description for anyone who missed it in class... The event is a coming together of all the Nam Pai chuan schools in the UK (of which there are approximately 15) to celebrate the history of the system and normally has around 100->150 people in attendance. It consists of a two day training course which is 6 hours training on Saturday and another 6 hours on Sunday (9am->3pm I think), and during that time you are taught by the head of the system Sigung Lai! Since its lots of schools coming together you also get to meet lots of the other Sifus which is cool! Now, dont panic, although we are in the hall training for 6 hours, the cardio intensity is a lot lower than our regular classes so youre not just going to collapse but it is going to be tough, its Kung Fu after all ;) The class itself normally comprises, to a large degree, of learning a form; a sequence of moves which make you look totally ninja. Last year we did a ~60 step weapon Form for a weapon called a Duan Pian (very Short Stick); here is a link to a video of that course: https://youtube/watch?v=rylpguWTHBk After training on Saturday most of the people on the course (~80) get washed and changed into their bests and we book out a restaurant for a Chinese meal. The meal is a great chance to chat to people from the other schools, spend more time together and eat delicious food (Y) So thats the fun stuff, as for the more practical considerations; we book a minibus for transport which is normally paid for by the society and which normally leaves Cardiff at 3:30am on Saturday morning so we get there on time -_- Unsurprisingly most people sleep on the way there (except for the year that Mark drove and blasted pirate metal music the whole way! ... yeah... that was the best...haha). We drive back on Sunday straight after training finishes, which means that we only need accommodation for Saturday night and that accommodation comes in the form of a dance/drama studio. An old friend of Alberto kindly lets us use his drama school as accommodation for free, so everyone brings sleeping bags and foam mats and sleeps on the floor! Its not the best nights sleep youll ever have, but its quite good fun and its only one night! Thats everything I can think of. Obviously you need to wear uniform at this course, so if you want to go then youll need to order one of those (then we pick it up when we get to London), and also be covered by BCCMA insurance too! I hope this info helps and you decide to come along, its one of my favorite events of the year and Im sure all the others who have been before will say the same! Nicole wants the forms by tomorrow, so you have until then! :) HU!
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 15:27:18 +0000

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