Heyy guys, so excited to go to Guelph :D hope to make some - TopicsExpress


Heyy guys, so excited to go to Guelph :D hope to make some friendss here before we go there haha schedules attached check if we have ne thang tgthr! Name: Jesse Findlay Nickname: Jess Age: 17 (18 in June tho so... 18) Hometown: Torontoo High school: St. Josephs College School Intended Major:Zoologyy Favourite Music: meh anything Favourite Movies: superbad, this is the end, anything with micheal cera, jonah hill, seth rogen, or all pretty much Favourite TV Shows: game of thrones, bates motel, elementary, the list goes onnnn Favourite Books: um dont have any faves Sports: nuthin Do you party? occaaaasionaally Do you drink? yaas Do you smoke? never Is it okay if your roommate drinks? yeah haha Is it okay if your roommate smokes? nonono Ever had a roommate? noo :S Night owl or early bird? both What time do you go to bed? Weeknights: bed: 11 sleep: who knows Weekends: whenever Do you snore? nah Medical conditions? nope Are your grades important? yes Do you mind having people in your room? Not at all Do you mind having people stay overnight in your room? No How often do you talk on the phone? occasionally Clean or messy? mostly clean Lazy or active? depends Shy or outgoing? in between Job on/off campus? yeah Instagram: jessebluef follow uppp ;P
Posted on: Thu, 15 May 2014 02:04:12 +0000

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