He’s Given Me The Tongue of the Learnt: - TopicsExpress


He’s Given Me The Tongue of the Learnt: Enlightened—Illuminated by YHWH The knowledge you’ve received by Christ Yahshua you did not gain by your hands; when you take ownership of what the Messiah has given you, you deny the power of his enlightenment. You are saved because you were given an ear to hear, an eye to see and heart to understand Elohim. What makes you a miracle is that YHWH has enlightened you. Too often, we take YHWH’s enlightenment as self-enlightenment. When it’s attributed to self you deny the power of Elohim and deny yourself a blessing. It was YHWH who enlightened or revealed unto man his identity and name. Once you’re enlightened, the enemy tries to come in and question what you once confirmed you heard via the Holy Spirit. Christ was sent and even as he was sent, Christ sends you. The sent have been foreordained, even spiritually programmed to hear/be awakened to YHWH’s voice. Hearing YHWH’s voice is akin to a spiritual pull, which happens whether you are in sin or out of sin. Some of us didn’t have a choice but we had a spiritual mandate to hear YHWH’s voice and be sent and commissioned. The word teaches, “9 YHWH is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” YHWH sends “the sent” to minister unto “the called.” According to the word: Many are called but few are chosen (Matthew 22:14). The sent have been imprinted/mandated to hear YHWH: some of us were always sensitive to the spirit of Elohim, whether we were in sin or outside of sin, in false doctrines or the truth of the word. Wherever you’ve been sent, YHWH has orchestrated a testimony of triumph. We all were asleep, agents in hibernation until we were enlightened to our calling---and hence, we were born again. One’s enlightenment is his/her transformation and awakening. Enlightenment takes you from your present state to a greater level of awareness and knowledge. Recognize how YHWH educated you (via the Spirit) and that it was not of your doing! If YHWH enlightens you while in your sin, that means that YHWH will preserve you to bring you to place to perform what He has placed within you. YHWH will give you the tongue of the learnt—recognize that it’s a gift. When YHWH gives you an ear to hear, recognize that it’s a gift. Psalms 119: 18 “Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law (torah).” Torah: teaching, direction, instruction, divine direction (translated as law in the above verse) Galah: to open; to uncover; to remove; to discover or show oneself; YHWH revealing himself Ayin: eye; physical eye (showing mental qualities), of mental and spiritual properties; the spring and foundation YHWH has opened your eyes to something! Even though YHWH enlightens you in your sin, he then begins to draw you near. Despite your present state, YHWH entrusts you with the gift and fruit of enlightenment. YHWH will approach you though you may be living contrary to the word, and enlighten you and awaken you to your true spiritual person. YHWH will put you in the position where you must have faith. Having faith, you then must recognize how YHWH educated or enlightened you to your future/promise. Again, when YHWH gives you the spiritual ear to hear, you’ve been gifted with his voice. It takes more faith to pray in your sin than out of it. When you pray knowing that you’re wrong, you are relying on grace (i.e., unmerited favor, what you don’t deserve). Sometimes, it takes a law-breaking mind to get a miracle. Miracles defy and break natural laws. Are you respecting how YHWH has enlightened you and heeding his voice? YHWH enlightens you on direction, on goals (spiritual and otherwise). Once enlightened, holdfast to what YHWH has revealed. Do not be tempted to lay down what YHWH has given you or allow yourself to be spiritually robbed. YeshYah 50:4 “YHWH hath given me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary: he wakeneth morning by morning, he wakeneth mine ear to hear as the learned.” Nathan: to give, to put, to set, to bestow, to consecrate, to ordain Lashown: tongue, the tongue of the learned Limmuwd: taught, learned, discipled, accustomed to something Do not allow someone to talk you out of how YHWH enlightened you. Rather, sin will belittle and mock how you’ve been enlightened. But enlightenment is your very growth, transformation and salvation. You can’t have a worldwide ministry based on one individual but having many mighty leaders who are co-laborers and equals. The same way that YHWH has enlightened you, he enlightens others. Refuse to live in a past sin but every day be forgiven and be made new: have a clear/clean conscience. YHWH loosed enlightenment in your life. You need to take the work out of your salvation because you can’t save yourself. You can’t work to be saved. Either you believe you’re saved or not: Once you believe you’re saved, YHWH has the responsibility to make it a reality in your life (i.e., he issues grace). It is your responsibility to confess the same things that the Spirit speaks, to obey, and walk according to your faith and hope. Pray to become what you hear in the Spirit. What YHWH has given you, you don’t have to work for but you flow in. Hebrews 10:32 “But call to remembrance the former days, in which, after ye were illuminated, ye endured a great fight of afflictions;” Photizo: to give light, shine, illuminate, lighten up, render evident, bring to light, to bring something that exists into the light Some of us have become insecure in the very thing that YHWH gave us. Because YHWH equipped you and not man or self, then have faith. YHWH not only gave you the tongue of the learnt but an ear to hear. He has illuminated you. In a matter of moments, your life can change. Enlightenment does that. You don’t learn truth simply because someone taught you but because YHWH enlightened you. Ephesians 1:18 “The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints,” Ophthalmos: the eye, (metaphor for the eyes of the mind, faculty of knowing) Dianoia: the mind as the faculty of understanding; feeling; desiring; the way of thinking and feeling Whatever Christ gives you he will multiply. Reflecting on what is happening in the nation (i.e., Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Eric Garner): We must understand that this movement is bigger than its opposition. Freedom is not free. It’s not until people begin to recognize the cost of freedom that freedom is cherished and valued. In America, a spiritual climate has been aroused, which is forcing the nation to confront its ills and change or to shrink from its greatness and succumb to past and present evils. Racism is a spirit, which is evidenced in individual actions and above all, institutions. As a nation, we cannot bow to that spirit. Hence, when any man has been enlightened, deliverance must be rendered not only to self or one’s household but unto all. The miracle of President Obama’s presidency is that he is president in the face of a racist society. Hope always testifies against the odds. Truth creates a springing forth, moreover enlightenment—it endues one with purpose. When YHWH enlightens you, he only asks that you submit and know that He will be faithful to perform. #Bishop
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 07:22:53 +0000

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