Hhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey!! So..he res the first - TopicsExpress


Hhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey!! So..he res the first chapter of my book. Hope you guys like it :) ~Amazon Chapter one~ Fabian, wake up! Fabian blinked open his eyes, looking out into the clearing. He instantly remembered the missing pack members. His eyes, bright brown, got misty. He got up out of his alphas nest, arching his spine in a stretch. He looked over to his beta, and saw the warmth in the bears eyes. The beta, Klaan, was a polar bear, way out of his territory. He was Fabians most loyal friend. Klaan was found in the mountains, on an exploration trip. Fabian was a new alpha back then, he was leading a patrol to explore the territory. He found a polar bear cub wandering in the wilderness. Fabian brought him into the pack, bringing Klaans loyalty. Klaan had fallen for a fox, Hortense. She was small, but beautiful. They were very close, Hortense and his pack come before anything. Alright, Im up. Fabian grunted as he climbed out of his nest. He padded over to the edge of his boulder he settled on. The boulder was at least seven feet high, one side was covered in moss hidden in the shade, while the other was baking in the sun every midday. Two smaller stones made stair-like stepping stones up to the boulder. Fabian overlooked the clearing and looked at his pack. Busily working on repairing the camp after the storm. The leaf and nettle-roofs were strewn about, and the blackberry bushes were poking out here and there causing the members to run into them getting scratches. None of the pack were asleep, for there was too much to do. Klaan came and sat beside Fabian. Hopefully here are no more storms to come. Klaan murmured Oh, you know that there will be, its barely fall. Ramona came in and sat beside Fabian. Ramona was a raccoon that was found as a cub in a tree from Fabians father. Fabian and Ramona grew up together, and now they were best friends. Your up then Klaan chuckled. Well why wouldnt I be? She stared at him curtly. Alright no need to lose any fur about it! Fabian scolded, I swear you two act like a couple of lion cubs! Whatever, Ramona sighed as she padded down the stepping stones out into the clearing. Klaan sighed, Ill be helping moving the blackberry bushes back. Alright, dont get too scratched up though! Fabian said. Klaan flicked his ears to show he heard him as he climbed down the stepping stones. He watched his son, Fabona, sweep up the nettles into a stack so he can put them back on the leaf-nettle roof. Fabona had been born many months before, but he hadnt grown to a full sized fox. His expression was unreadable, but Fabian knew what he felt. He felt grief for his mate, Clarice. She had been one oft he missing members, and no one knew where they went. Clarice had found the pack on her own, shed stumbled onto the boulder when she was a kitten, and Fabian had taken her in. Fabians mate, Squesemi, had disappeared two months after Fabona was born. She was a snow fox, Fabian had suspected the pack life was too much for her and she left, but he wasnt sure. He grieved for her, but he soon got over it, for he had a pack to look after. Fabian stood up, stretching his legs once more, and he padded over to the stepping stones. He crawled down them, and landed softly on the grass patch just below the boulder. There was a shade spot under the boulder, to the right of it, the Weeping Willow. The mothers with their cubs and kittens settled there. The vines of the Weeping Willow surrounded them, and they had built an entryway out of brambles. Fabian looked over to the other side of the clearing. His brother, Zed, was sitting in the shadowy blackberry bush. It was made to form a cave, but it only went in about four feet. That was Zeds area, that no kitten, cub, or any other member was allowed in. He knew all there was about the forest, and life. Hew as very wise, but also very prickly. He was stubborn, very stubborn. Their father had originally offered Zed to be the alpha, but he declined. The entryway of their home was torn apart, but it used to be covered in brambles, and burrs. Now these protective thorns were everywhere, and all the pack were complaining about them getting stuck in their fur, poking their skin. Along the walls of the clearing, there were slopes dug out years ago for them to sleep in. Pine trees covered most of the top of the clearing, but it left half of it unprotected. In the winter all of the pack sleep under the boulder, except Zed. Fabian got up a walked over to his group that mark the area. They all came in with shock in their eyes. What happened? Weve found something you need to see. Stallion muttered darkly with narrowed eyes. Alright hold on Fabian said, hurrying over to Klaan. He stalked over to his beta and gestured him over. Your in charge while Im gone, theyve found something, he murmured flicking his ears toward the group. Okay, Klaan said obviously bewildered, but just went back to working on the blackberry bushes. Fabian followed the group out of the entryway into the forest. As he continued to follow them, he looked around his surroundings. He looked at the spruce trees, the pine trees, and the fir trees all around the forest. The bushes flowers and berries were wilting from the wind and storm. He knew that in a few weeks all the berries and flowers would be no more. He would miss all of the happy flowers and buds, but there was nothing he could do but wait till next spring. He looked at his members, Tessa, Dakin, Stallion, and Mist. Stallion is a black wolf with a white leg. To the pack, he was the size of a horse. He is a loyal member, but his ambitions could get him in trouble in the forest. Dakin is a very large great horned owl. He is a great fighter when it comes to it, but he is terrible at hunting. He always helps out with his powerful wings to carry bushes to the clearing. Tessa is Dakins mate. She is a snowy owl,and Fabians father found her in the wilderness. She is wise, but shes got a sharp tongue. She is the keeper of whose mates with who, she memorizes all of the couples. Lastly there is Mist, the wolf. She is small, skinny, and her pelt is dappled with brown, tan,, and black spots. Shes got a white chest, with white ears, eye fur, paws, and tail. She has one blue eye and one with half green half amber. She is very skittish, but shes a sweet member. Shes the size of Fabian, which is very small for a wolf. He looked after his pack like family, even though they werent. They neared the pond where the river ended, and Fabian was confused why they brought him here. Were here Fabian,Stallion announced. What do you want to show me? Fabian asked. Mist flicked her ears gesturing for him to follow. Fabian followed Mist down to the ridge where the pond was. She leaped on top of a rock, and wrapped her tail over her paws. Her Mist pointed to a white cat splayed out on the shore of the pond. The rest oft he group came on the large, flat rock and sat around Mist. Who is she? Tessa asked. Stallion snorted,How are we supposed to know that? Mist growled, then offered,Maybe Zed knows. All of them stared at the cat. Alright, Im going down there,Fabian announced. Mist growled,Be careful, she might be dangerous. I will, dont worry. Fabian murmured. Fabian got to his paws, and slid down the slope to the shore. He crawled closer to the white cat, wondering her back story. He stopped as he saw her start to cough. She coughed up mouthfuls of water, and Fabian got up, and stalked over to her. As he got closer, he noticed her icy blue eyes. She coughed up more water, then looked up at Fabian. When he rested his gaze on her, he got the chills. Mist padded over to Fabian. He felt her pelt brush his, and he shivered. Who are you? Mist asked the white cat. I.... I dont remember. The white cat murmured. Well, whats your name at least? She questioned curtly. Frost, she answered clearly aware of Mists prickliness. Fabian kept on staring at this mysterious cat. He was bewildered he had never seen anyone so confuse on who the were, and he needed to cure his curiosity. Fabian nodded to Frost,Do you have a home? He asked. Frost shook her head, but she looked distracted. Fabian looked into her hazy stare. She was trying to remember what happened. If you need a home I have a welcoming pack. Fabian offered. Mist stared at Fabian in disbelief. Then the fury was unleashed. You cant just let this white raggedy fur ball join the pack! She snarled. Fabian rounded on her. Coming from the one who was found in the middle of nowhere! He glared at her. Mist opened her mouth, but then she closed it. The rest or the scout were laughing. Frost half sat half lay, on the sandy shore. How far is it? She asked. Not very far, if you need help I have more than willing members to help you get there. Fabian said loud enough for his group to hear. Dakin was complaining about sore talons when they got back to the clearing. Hed been carrying her the whole way. They took Frost to a slope for a bedding. One of the cats from the pack had greeted Frost when she came no one knew why he was so interested in her, hes seen a cat before.The mothers came to warm her up at sunset, because she had been soaking in the pond, and river for at least a few hours. Fabian started toward the stepping stones to the boulder, but was stopped on his way there. Fabian, Mist called. Yes? He answered. I.... Well, I need to talk to you. She muttered, embarrassed. Well, okay but on the boulder. He said,and she had a sparkle of delight in her eyes. They climbed up the stepping stones, and went to the top of the boulder. He sat down on his nest, and he gestured her over to sit by him. She perked her ears, then stalked over and sat next to him. Yes, Mist? He demanded. Okay, well.. I.., her voice faded away. What is it? He asked. She pressed her muzzle to his, and scooted closer, and looked at him with a longing look. He understood what she meant. She wanted to be his alpha female, and she had never shown it before now, but he knew just what she felt. Me too. He simply said. Really? She gasped. Yes, you are very close to me. He answered. She smiled, and rested her head on his chest. Thoughts?
Posted on: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 08:14:05 +0000

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