Hi -- Read, Share and Save this extremely important message! - - TopicsExpress


Hi -- Read, Share and Save this extremely important message! - BIBLE PROPHECY is like the Headlights on your Car. Understanding Bible prophecy is like turning your headlights on before driving your car down a dark road on a dark night – they reveal future events before they happen so you can avoid a tragedy. Tell everyone everywhere that in bulk the entire Great Controversy book is only 69 CENTS in bulk - (THE BLUE PAPERBACK) - 800-600-7197 - “The end is near - SCATTER THEM LIKE THE LEAVES OF AUTUMN. Please invite others to join “Great Controversy Project” on Face Book – Notice there is no “The” before “Great Controversy” -- It is just “Great Controversy Project” greatcontroversyproject.org/ Souls are perishing out of Christ. Let them be warned of His soon appearing in the clouds of heaven.”--Review and Herald, Aug. 13, 1908. {CM 25.1} greatcontroversyproject.org/ Know the future BEFORE it happens! - That is exactly what you do when you drive at night with your headlights on your car. Your headlights reveal ½ mile into the future so when you get to the future down that dark road you have made the right choices and prevented needless tragedy. God has given you “Prophetic Headlights” that reveal some of the future so when you get to the future you will have made the right choices and avoided a terrible tragedy! - Notice this is what God tells us in The Holy Bible. He says, “And so we have THE PROPHETIC WORD confirmed, which you do well to heed as A LIGHT THAT SHINES IN A DARK PLACE, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts.” 2 Peter 1:19. We must do all we can NOW! To help others – to lighten up their future through an understanding of these great prophecies! With this knowledge they, also, will be able to make right choices and be ready for both the coming world-wide crisis and the second coming of Christ! -- This is an exciting project and, while is still in its infancy, the results are nothing short of amazing; even more so because of your involvement! Already, well over one-hundred requests come in monthly for studies given through the Amazing Facts Ministries. Their study request cards are bound inside each book! Read FREE “The Great Controversy” translated into over 80 languages read right here in 37 LANGUAGES -prophecymadeeasy and Read FREE - “PROPHECY MADE EASY” – or purchase copies from the A.B.C. or Amazon I will meet you in heaven as an eternal friend. We will travel the universe together and sit with Jesus on His throne. He will wipe away the tears from your eyes and you will be FOREVER HAPPY! See you then - Your brother through Christ - Glen (Revelation 3:21; 21:1-4). READ LAST DAY EVENTS – A compilation from the writings of EG White of the final events on Planet Earth - CLICK on LINK - anym.org/SOP/en_LDE.pdf Earths Last Crisis - The Shaking - The Latter Rain - The Loud Cry – The Seal of God and the Mark of the Beast - The Close of Probation - The Seven Last Plagues - Christ’s Return - The Inheritance of the Saints – HELP OTHERS UNDERSTAND THE FUTURE – and avoid needless suffering! Your brother Glen
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 10:27:08 +0000

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