Hi Adrenals are yours in tip top shape? How to get/keep them - TopicsExpress


Hi Adrenals are yours in tip top shape? How to get/keep them (adrenals)Healthy Blue Wonder - what is it all about? Interesting you tube clip! (please forward this newsletter to anyone who you know who is interested in better health/weight ) We have been having the most awesome week and things are picking up and gearing up for summer! I dont know about you but I am so looking forward to getting out of winter cloths and into some bright, light summer gear and heading off to the beach! Talking about beach - are you mentally and physically ready for the holidays? If you feel the need to lose a few or more pounds why not take advantage of our very special on going prices, they are truly amazing Have a look here! Weight Loss and detox! Adrenal health, are yours in tip top shape? As you probably know, our Adrenals make our stress hormones like Cortisol but did you know that to make cortisol and the other hormones we specifically need cholesterol, both types. Plus as I am sure you are aware that our bodies tend to thrive with good food and the right nutrition and our hormonal system needs a huge quantity of both to keep it in good shape if you have any of the following symptoms then you may be in need of some Adrenal support • Memory problems• Indecisiveness • Inability to concentrate \• Trouble thinking clearly • Poor judgment • Seeing only the negative • Anxious or racing thoughts • Constant worrying • Loss of objectivity • Fearful anticipation • Moodiness • Agitation • Restlessness • Short temper • Irritability, impatience • Inability to relax • Feeling tense and “on edge” • Feeling overwhelmed • Sense of loneliness and isolation • Depression or general unhappiness • Headaches or backaches • Muscle tension and stiffness • Diarrhoea or constipation • Nausea, dizziness • Insomnia • Chest pain, rapid heartbeat • Weight gain or loss • Skin breakouts (hives, eczema) This is only a short list of the most common symptoms and as you can see they are very diverse and could be many other things. just by looking at the range of symptoms you can see why this gland is so very important to our health and wellbeing. If you this may be a root cause of any symptoms you may have and you haven’t done our thyroid/adrenal test yet then please click on the link below. How to get healthy Adrenals As you may know that early last year we released our Thyroid programme and our ongoing successes with that have been awesome. However as usual we have learnt from your experiences dear clients. It appears that not everyone who has a thyroid issue gets success by focusing a programme on the thyroid. Because of this fact we have gone into much more detail. We have found that some of you have been unable to stick to the programme because of this simple but debilitating problem – our adrenals cannot cope with the loads we are putting on them and they are very often the cause of our weight and other health issues that are very hard to diagnose. What I have found is that those of us whose adrenals are out of alignment are often the ones who simply cannot stick to a diet even ours they find difficult 0 however with our support many get over that hurdle with a few simple changes/additions. I have put together a programme specifically for adrenal health and would love to share it with anyone who may be being affected health wise by under or over functioning adrenal glands. I have personal experience with adrenals that havent been able to keep up with me and my lifestyle, with that first-hand knowledge comes an understanding of what many of you are going through and so makes me even more determined to help you to have the best health possible. Many of you will have already done the thyroid test and although your thyroid may be functioning at a good level you may have come up as being adrenally low and so we have adapted the thyroid programme for you as we have gone along. Now however, after working with a few clients doing this we have learnt a lot of what works and what doesn’t so the products that go along with this programme have been trialled by those who have really needed it and got wonderful results. Now we also have a separate booklet and products designed to really work with your body and so get results quicker which will stay with you. The diet is very similar low carb but with a couple of changes. The programme we have come up with are very exciting. By working on the root causes and the ongoing effects of stress, better enabling us to be able to cope with everything that life throws at us. I have been asked by many clients if they should be doing the thyroid or adrenal programme before losing weight. In answer to that question is NO – the reason being is that your body will start getting into balance by using Fast Track Slim because it is working on the master gland of the body – our hypothalamus and this is our conductor of the hormonal system and if that is out of balance no matter what we do unless we kick start that into action no matter what we do our hormonal system is fighting an uphill battle. Of course you don’t have to go onto this if you haven’t weight to lose as then we know that your hypothalamus is doing, at least part of it’s job, really well! This is the package we have carefully put together includes the following In our Adrenal balance pack we have the following: Calm Balance drops - Which are in a base of liquid minerals with homeopathics which support our emotional balance and help keep any levels of anxiety under wraps plus help the adrenals balanced Calm Balance spray - this spray contains homeopathic hormones which will help keep them all aligned and working in synergy together. Plus detox remedies to remove the most common toxins that we are exposed to and by doing that become stronger. Adrenal activate - this is a herbal formula which we have called Adrenal activate for a very good reason it allows the organs that make up our hormonal system to heal themselves and so therefore bring about healing! With this programme you will receive a month supply. These three products also go along side our Calm Magnesium oil which works with our central nervous system as well as the other benefits of magnesium. We are offering the four products above along with our ebooklet for only $170 Buy Adrenal Balance Programme Get our Free Thyriod/adrenal test here! If you think this could be you? Have you done our thyroid test? The thyroid test can show up adrenal fatigue as well as an out of balance thyroid. It is free to do and all you need is a thermometer and stopwatch click here to get our questionnaire and if you would like a thermometer (you need an old fashioned one) we can send you one they are only $5.00! Click here to download your free test If you have already come up with adrenal weakness then it might be a good idea to have a chat with us, as we have a plan that can help. I am just finishing writing our new programme to help bring about healing in this area, which we will be releasing over the next week or so but if you would like to try it before that then give us a call! 09 946 6443 Information on Blue Wonder and their Cloths As I promised last newsletter that you would learn more about Cindy and her Blue Wonder Cloths well here it is! Being in Business now since 1999, we have customers Just coming back for new cloths – For example Liz Bissett – Auckland. Bought her own personal cloths in 2001 and has since bought many for her friends and was one of our distributors. Just last month she treated herself to another new Blue Wonder Cloth after 13 years of regular use – Now that is quality. Great Escape Yacht Charters – Bay Of Islands . Purchased many cloths for their 12 yacht charter company in 2003. They sold their business in 2010 and the same cloths went with the business and they are still being used today. Pretty darn amazing – no wonder all our happy NZ enthusiastic customers call Blue Wonder cloths The MAGIC CLOTH! The benefits are:- 2000 washes Guaranteed – other micro fibre cloths are 100-200 washes – This is how the manufacturer of microfiber cloths determine the quality of Micro fibres. v Blue Wonder is the only worldwide company with the deluxe cloths made of 50% Polyester and 50% nylon (nylon being a family of silk) v One cloth hundreds of uses. The only “limitation” is your imagination. v No steaks or scratches We are here to offer you a safe - fast –pure – simple – cost effective way of environmentally cleaning – no chemicals just water……. So together let’s do it! Make the change today to Blue Wonder and always look forward to the magic of “Streak Free” every time you wipe. Your whole world will be Sparkling Bright! Enjoy So you can try the Blue Wonder difference we are offering Blue Wonders New product to you first! We have the Smart Phone cloth which is made from the deluxe fabric at only $20 what a bargain. Of course you don’t only use on your phone, it is great for camera lenses,glasses, sunglasses jewellery (great on silver and gold) and anything else you would like to try it on! Interesting YouTube clip I thought that everyone would benefit from seeing this little clip Karenxx and Cindy
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 23:24:04 +0000

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