Hi All Family: As a result of recent postings by the mentally ill - TopicsExpress


Hi All Family: As a result of recent postings by the mentally ill person that is one of my birth sisters, I feel I have no choice but to make a statement - as I feel her online ranting and lies might have endangered our relationships in spreading seeds of doubt, which probably was her purpose. (I know… speculating on motive here.) As a genealogist and historian for this branch of the McIntyre line, I do not get to choose who has access to my genealogy work or combined/collaborative genealogy work. I must accept contact from any family member no matter how remote (or how crazy) and share all aspects of this work completely. This mission I gladly fill, regardless of the possible hazards to me or my reputation. I get a plus out of this mission in finding, meeting, getting to know and reconnecting to “long lost” family. This is my “treasure”. When Theresa contacted me on May 24th 2013 asking me to friend her I accepted because of the above reasons. (Also because I have always had a perverse dream of actually being a little old lady going off to the movies and dinner with sisters who were also little old ladies. Ok, so THAT is NOT going to happen.) From that time forward Theresa did not have contact with me until Christine posted the picture of Benjamin, which I commented on. I offered pictures that I had of Benjamin - to be sent to Christine as I presumed Chris would want to put together a “memory” board of pictures of Benjamin for the memorial, just as Christine did for the passing of her brother Zachary. Now having said that, I want all to understand that Theresas’ ranting of my not being Charles McIntyres’ biological daughter is NOT true. Her ranting is based on a lie created back in 1973. The following is not something I would have ever discussed, but I feel that as Cousin Donna Jean placed such value on placing some family artifacts with the correct descendant, (as I do), to ship said items to me personally, there cannot remain a doubt on my right to accept for preservation and distribution of documentation, said items from Donna Jean. My Mom and Dad went through a divorce in 1973. At this time we were living in Colorado where law was “that at age 13 a child could decide for themselves which parent they wanted to reside with”. I was not yet 13 when this event occurred, so it would have been before June 28th the lie occurred. My Mom, out of fear and love for me, (I believe) sought to stop me from choosing my Dad to live with. Please do not feel harshly towards her as this was the only way she saw to protect me from my Dads severe P.T.S.D. Sometimes in desperation -something is said or done that has effects one would never think of. Mom took me aside, explained that she had to inform me of the Colorado law, explained the law to me and then made up the story of my having a different father before asking me of my decision. Mom would have rather me thought that she was just a young woman out there messing around, (which at the time was very stigmatic), than have me possibly harmed. My Dad did some very, very heavy drinking after that point, even more so than he did before that statement was made. He continued doing so for many years afterward, all the while not revealing the truth while I was young. Dad did not want me thinking harshly of my Mom and always instructed me to take care of her. It was not until the early 2000’s that I found out that my Dad and my Moms brother William, actually knew each other (in the Army) for some time PRIOR to Mom and Dads marriage. My mom was also in the military at this time. If I had a different Dad, my Dad would not have been as insistent on naming me for our Great Aunt Jeannette. He was insistent enough to throw a huge fit of anger over the possibility of my not being named for Great Aunt Jeannette. This information comes from my Mom direct, on how she gave in to my name being Jeanette instead of Robin and that my name was misspelled by the Army Registrar in that they left out one “n” in my name as it was to be spelt “Jeannette” instead of the “Jeanette” I carry. I did not know for sure until I started doing collaborative work with Donna Jean that I even had a Great Aunt Jeannette. I originally had some family names, however the Harvey Franklin McIntyre I originally thought was our line- was married to an Anna (I believe it was) and they also had a Vivian as a daughter, whom was incorrectly attached to the correct Harvey Franklin McIntyre and wife Rebecca Thompson. Thank-you Donna Jean for pointing this error out. My grandson Jakob also looks like my Dad; as well as looks like my brother Michael, who is the spitting image of Dad. My moms’ family lines do not carry the “Blond and Blue” gene, as all are swarthy and dark and according to my mom often were called the “Black Irish”. This particular “Blond” gene results in a shade of Blond which streaks out to an almost white in repeated sunnings as in my granddaughter Claras’ hair. I myself only carry a clump (about the size of a half - dollar) of this Blond above my left temple. My Dad knew quite some years before his death, that I did know the truth. We talked of it and it was his suggestion to have a DNA test. We never did get around to testing as we knew the truth and I look like him, right down to my sticking out crooked ears. Dad commented often on our similarities in facial features. Imagine my surprised when Donna Jean forwarded me some photos which appeared to all - that I am real close to a spitting image of Dads Paternal Grandmother Rebecca. This resemblance includes features right down to HER sticking out crooked ears. Looking at the photos, I see my future self, as well as my past self from when I was younger- when comparing to the one photo of Great Grandmother Rebecca when she was a young woman. Aspersions have also been made by Theresa as to “our Heritage” Claims have been made that we are “Irish, Romeny and Native American. This claim is in error according to tight work proved in collaboration with several cousins through 7-9 different branches on both the Paternal side; as well as the Maternal side. While there is tradition mentioning Native American genes in the Grandmother Edith Fuller (Choctaw) lineage and mention of possible Native American heritage either through genes or adoption through the Great Great Grandfather Thomas Thompson (unknown), as well as Native American in a couple other Maternal lines or extended branches, there has been no proof uncovered to support directly through the Karen Oster and Charles McIntyre branch as of yet. What has been proven is Irish or Scot (Dad), Irish (Mom) Scot (Mom), German (Mom), German (Dad), Dutch (Dad), English (Dad) and Swede (Mom). We can also count Canadian (Mom) through a migration although only some subsequent branches of a Scot and Irish family who transplanted to Canada for some time before migrating to the U.S, were born there. We do however have numerous cousins who are Native American lines through several branches (Apache, Navajo, Ute, Cherokee, Shawnee, Fox, Passamaquoddy are a few) and my daughters are said by their Paternal Grandmother to carry Blackfoot lines. (Still un-proofed as this is a more difficult lineage). My grandchildren (Jaime and Mikes) also carry Native American (Navajo) lines. As to the rest of Theresas claims, I have NEVER abused my children, not even spankings, in fact they were rather spoiled by me and rarely needed any correction beyond a word. I have no idea what theft I am accused of, unless she is referring to my seizure of her deposit (with her permission) in the amount she owed my daughter Shaonna - for a summers worth of getting up to be at Theresas apt (directly below mine) at 5:00A.M. working through late evening, babysitting Benjamin and Thomas. There will be no more of this type of ranting and lies on this FB page, my page was to allow family to reconnect or connect for the first time, enabling us all, regardless of genetic branch, to share lifes journey and remain in touch. I am not talking about the activism several of us enjoy. We are descended after all from those who fought to create America, created America and helped to create the very constitution of America. I could expect no less. Love you all, Jeanette
Posted on: Thu, 27 Jun 2013 23:35:46 +0000

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