Hi All! Hope everyone had a great weekend! Just realized it has - TopicsExpress


Hi All! Hope everyone had a great weekend! Just realized it has been awhile since I have updated everyone on Ethans status. Last week was pretty busy. Two visits to Nemours and 4 days of Chemotherapy that just finished up today. Thursday was our LONG day that started at 7 am with sedation and a spinal. Followed by 8 hours of chemo and getting stuck in the hospital lockdown for a code Adam. We were so close to making it out the door that the poor lady stuck guarding it got the death stare from both Ethan and I until she finally gave in and let us slip out. Weve been lucky that the last 3 days of chemo have been given in home by our home health agency. Makes for a pretty boring weekend waiting around for chemo but on the bright side we didnt have to make a trip to Jacksonville. Next week will be a repeat and if I was a betting person Id say well be in for a blood transfusion on Tuesday as well. His counts are falling which was expected in this round but hopefully he will be on the up and up by mid October. Even with all the chemo, Ethan is starting to resemble his old self. He has really enjoyed getting to spend quite a bit of time hanging out with family in Jackson County. He is truly a big country boy at heart and really loved spending his time exploring the local gun shops and picking out his favorites. My Uncle Norman made him a gun rack to store all his treasures in. I swear every time he comes home he brings new knives and such. My Aunt Donna even painted him an amazing picture of a nuclear bomb explosion. I really think all my Aunts and Uncles are spoiling him rotten! Oh and spoiling me rotten by sending a large bag of green peanuts which we boiled up this weekend! Thank you Uncle Freddie ;) Every cancer mom that I have spoken with talks of this new normal and I think I am almost there. Settling into the fact that there is no going back to before and that all we have is what Is ahead. Ive started making plans for the near future but always keeping in mind that those plans may change and to keep things as fluid as possible. I havent started booking vacation plans yet but if I do I think I will opt for the travel insurance. If all goes well, Ethan has requested snow for Christmas this year. Im not sure he understand just how COLD it has to be for that but I guess there is no better time to learn. If there is one thing I have learned during all of this it is that tomorrow is not promised. We take so many things for granted including that there will be a next Christmas. So if snow is what he wants for Christmas I guess snow is what he will get. Unless of course he changes his mind which is entirely possible and we could be spending Christmas vacation on a beach. You just never know with Ethan!! A wonderful supporter of Ethan sent him a beautiful shell and engraved inside it said, One Day at a Time. All I can say is that we are trying our best to make each day count!
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 03:43:01 +0000

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