Hi All~~~~ Im now representing a health and wellness company - TopicsExpress


Hi All~~~~ Im now representing a health and wellness company called Plexus that is all plant-based that I fully stand behind. Not only have I had amazing results, so have my family and friends. If you know me, you know that I dont associate my name with just any product. Therefore, I truly believe in Plexus and want to share this amazing product with you and your friends and family! Plexus has a line of products that offers a wide range of health benefits. 1) Plexus Slim: This powder drink mix (that tastes delicious!) is not a meal-replacement. It helps balance sugars/cholesterol/lipids in your body (helps pre-diabetics and diabetics reduce the need for insulin). It increases energy, reduces sugar/carb cravings, helps speed up your metabolism, detoxes your body, burns stored fat resulting in weight loss and is the most beneficial product Plexus has to offer! This helps get your body back to functioning properly the way in which it was designed! 2) Accelerator +: When paired with the Plexus Slim, this has amazing results! It helps to speed up the Slim results and increases weight loss. If you want to lose 10+ pounds, this is definitely something you should consider! 3) ProBio5: This probiotic is the best you will be able to find due to the powerful strains of probiotics and enzymes. This will help you reduce sugar cravings, help with brain fog, help manage allergies/breathing problems, clean out/detox yeast in your GI tract, improve your immune system, manage/reduce anxiety levels, and you get digestive system back on track! 4) BioCleanse: If you are wanting to detox, cleanse, or just maintain an awesome regularity in your system, this is it. It works well, so start gradually! BioCleanse helps to oxygenate your body and organs so they function more efficiently, clean out your system so that any candida/yeast overgrowth problems can be managed, boost collagen production (yeah for anti-wrinkles!), and increase your weight loss. Amazing, yet gentle cleanse! 5) X-Factor: Enriched with black current and a special blend of aloe, this multivitamin is amazing! The aloe blend allows your body to absorb nutrients from Plexus products and food anywhere from 100-300% more effectively. It also is amazing for skin, hair, and nails! 6) Fast Relief: There is an oral and topical application of this. This natural, non-addictive pain relief helps reduce pain from arthritis, joint pain, fibromyalgia, muscle tension, headaches, inflammation, and also offers nerve regeneration! (Dont take if allergic to shellfish.) 7) Plexus Body Cream: This stuff is amazing! Helps with acne when used as a moisturizer, helps with eczema, rashes, scarring, stretch marks, rashes, bumps, skin tags...you name it on your skin, this helps! I use every last drop! 8) Plexus 96: A seriously delicious snack or meal replacement for on the go! Comes in vanilla and chocolate...and the chocolate tastes REAL! Only 96 calories! 9: Breast Check Kit: This is a kit that enhances your ability to self-detect any abnormalities in breast tissue. This product has been featured on the TV show, Doctors, as the best at home detection out there! All of these products (except for the Accelerator+) are okay for children, pregnant and/or nursing mothers. These products are also vegan (except for Fast Relief due to the shell fish) and gluten-free. Plexus is amazing because it helps you achieve your health goals in a natural, HEALTHY way. It will help you live a cleaner, healthier life. I have already lost 10 pound!! But more importantly, I feel better!! I feel focused and have more energy. I sleep better, eat better, and feel better. My skin, hair, and nails...so much better! Reach out to me if you or anyone you know might benefits from these products! I would be happy to help! My webpage is Tracylaigle.myplexusproducts and my ambassador# is 227631. Please feel free to email me at Tracplexus@gmail for more info. Thank you and I hope to hear from you soon!!!
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 21:12:12 +0000

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