Hi All...Pastor Chris here. I wanted to post this note, from - TopicsExpress


Hi All...Pastor Chris here. I wanted to post this note, from sister Lori Baggetta for a couple of reasons: 1st - it speaks volumes on what can happen we a person decides they want to give Jesus EVERYTHING. 2nd - about the Christian Love and unity of the local family of Christ when they are set on living in unity, for one another and 4 God, without an agenda or spirit of criticism. I do not post it to draw attention to Nancy or myself. Yes, we are being used of the Lord, however, He is building His church. And every one of you, making up this church, are part of the reason my sister here is writing this. As Lori states (yup - you beat me to it!), the glory is all His!!!... It was 1 year ago this month that the Lord led me to a little church called Turning Point Church....and I would like to share a little bit of that story. I was saved 1 year and 7 months ago, and I knew right away that I needed to find a good Christian church to go to.....one that would be loving, and one that would not compromise or candy coat the Word of God. So, I began praying, very earnestly and eagerly for my Lord to lead me in the right place. As time went by, I began to get frustrated not knowing where to go, I did not know any believers at all, and I felt alone in this. Then, one night as I was on my laptop the Turning Point Church website popped up....I looked with curiosity...I would look at it, close it, look at it, close it, and then I decided to send an email. I was sure I would hear nothing back, as I had already tried to contact some other local churches, which never responded to any of my emails or calls. So, I wake up the next morning and go running into the living room, log onto my email, and tears roll down my face as I look to see an email from Turning Point church, from Pastor Chris himself. (I couldnt believe he responded!) As I began to read it through tears, the love and compassion that I felt in that email alone was tremendous. He encouraged me with scripture, words from his own heart, he invited me to email Nancy (his beautiful wife), and then an invite to church. Of course now that I saw his invite I knew I would need to respond to that one way or another...and that made me a tad nervous ( yes, even though I was looking for a church), because I knew it was going to cause opposition at home in my own personal life. So, Pastor Chris, Nancy and I continued to email back and forth for the next couple weeks...and if Nancy didnt hear from me for a couple days she would send me one to check in! During this time we arranged to meet at the church during the week ( it was a Tuesday) to introduce ourselves and get acquainted. We did...I got to meet my very first brother and sister in Christ since being saved( how awesome is that?!)...and Nancy made coffee....right away I could see the love and light of Jesus beaming through them! the three of us sat there chatting, sharing, I felt like I was sitting with old friends. Every bit of me wanted to just get to church, yet I kept hesitating ( because of opposition at home!) Well, needless to say, the Lord finally impressed it upon my heart, loud and clear, that I was to go to church, Turning Point Church! So, I had to obey, and go....and I did! By the third week of May I came on Sunday, and was welcomed with open arms...everyone was so loving, and I left church that day knowing my spirit had been fed....I LOVED being there ( my first real Christian church!), learning what real Christian fellowship was, worshiping Jesus, and hearing the Word of God preached in truth. Now, I also knew I needed to be baptized, I was hungry for this! 2 weeks later I was baptized by my Pastor and dear brother in Christ, Pastor Chris Tringali. So, I knew, that I knew, that I knew, this was my church home! So, here I am 1 year later....it has been a tremendous year. I have grown and continue to grow, in the Lord...I now have this amazing church family, all my brothers & sisters in Jesus....every week Pastor Chris delivers an awesome message from the Lord...fellowship meal is awesome and so much fun to eat and hang with all my family...and I am watching this church grow for Jesus! It has also been a trying year for me...a lot of trials and battles...and Nancy very quickly became my texting buddy ( I have her on speed dial! LOL! ) Both Pastor Chris and Nancy have been there for me in so many ways...they have rejoiced with me, and they have been there when all seemed dark...they work so hard and put others first and they are genuine.....I have seen, and I know, the love and compassion they have for people...and the love, commitment, and faithfulness that they have for our Lord and HIS work.....they do not compromise or candy coat the Gospel of Jesus Christ...here, it is preached and taught rightly, in truth, and in love...when I come to church I feel so at home....and when I see Pastor Chris and Nancy I still see that beaming love and light of Jesus...they are truly a son and daughter of the King. Yes, all glory goes to our Heavenly Father ( beat you to it Pastor Chris LOL!)...BUT, Pastor Chris and Nancy, you both still had to be obedient to the call the Lord put on both of you for this church.....and I would like to say thank you for being obedient to HIM, and for all that you both do...and for all that you both are. I am so grateful to the Lord for leading me to Turning Point Church 1 year ago...there is no place I would rather be (except heaven! :)). Every week I can hardly wait for Sunday to come around again, so I can worship with my brothers and sisters, and hear an awesome message from Gods Word, and just fellowship! And...JESUS is here every time we are together! Thank you Pastor Chris and Nancy, for your love, compassion, your faithfulness, your obedience, just for being you! Thank you for an amazing year...I look so forward to what the Lord is going to do at our awesome little church! We are all walking this Christian walk together....we are walking this straight and narrow together...and even though it is the narrow, we are all walking hand in hand, squeezed in together and yet room for more, on our journey home....TOGETHER! And until we get home...we will love each other, we will encourage each other, we will hold each other up, we will bear one anothers burdens, we will be there for each other...because that is what a true Christian family does. So thankful for where I am. I love you Pastor Chris and Nancy....thank you!
Posted on: Wed, 14 May 2014 12:41:12 +0000

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