Hi All..here it is as promised... SOLAR FLARE SUPPORT FOR - TopicsExpress


Hi All..here it is as promised... SOLAR FLARE SUPPORT FOR SENSITIVES As a lifelong sensitive, I feel things energetically more than most , so have learned how to balance through the experiences Life has thrown my way accumulating many, many tools to help others going through similar. Solar flares can impact us residents on planet Earth in a variety of ways from skewing our electronic equipment, to overloading our physical and emotional bodies depending on where our weakened areas lie. Here are a few tools I have used to either soften or neutralize the impact of Solar Flares: Since our auric field.. which is our energetic egg that keeps strong boundaries between us and our environment is powered by our battery pack/adrenals. Strengthening that area is of primary importance so outside influences dont have as much impact. Eating appropriate amounts of protein is key on that end. If you can tolerate beef, buffalo, eggs..they are one of the best supports for the adrenals in the food category. Be sure to buffer with copius amounts of low starch veggies. Bielers Soup is one of the easiest ways to accomplish this. See my April 2012 Blog on my website: healingessences for the recipe. Bielers Soup, if nothing else done, will help by alkalinizing and calming the body. In the oral supplement category, a buffered vitamin c and multi mineral containing one to one ratios of magnesium to calcium help as well or one with more magnesium to stabilize the nervous system. I like Ionic Fizz Calcium Plus and Magnesium Plus. Some people do well with a few cups of Green Tea sipped throughout the day . I like Trader Joes or Celestial Seasonings brands. Some people do well with topically applied magnesium oil . I like Life Flo brand. Its a quick into the system fix for anxiety . Apply to the areas of thin skin for faster absorbption..the palms, inner wrists, soles of feet. Start low to test tolerance and build until you feel calmer. Another topical..Syngenics L Theanine cream only available through a rep....Shauna is my favorite (413)276-0279. works well for anxiety, but start low, because because too much can make you drowsy. On the homeopathic end: Valeriana 30x for those who are hypersensitive with anxiety Aconite 30x for those experiencing terror , fear & panic A nice soak in a warm bath or foot bath with equal portions of epsom salts, sea salts, and baking soda can clear the energetic field as well as calming the system. Add you favorite calming essentail oils. I like lavendar, ylang-ylang, bergamot. Getting some part of you immersed in water can neutralize the extra charge. Flower Essences in your water, bath, sprayed around the room: Flower Essence Society. Yarrow Special Remedy Bach Flower Rescue Remedy with extra Star Of Bethlehem Jin Shin Jyutsu self help to stabilize the physical. mental & emotional bodies fast: SEL 3 with same side 15 Main Central Vertical Flow SEL 26 ss 15 Bladder Flow SEL High 19 with opposite High 1 Hold the fingers(see below) ***Go to my website for a MCV Quickie and how to use the fingers (Jin Shin Jyutsu Natural Healing page) or buy The Touch Of Healing by Alice Burmeister for instructions on the entire self help system. I also offer distance healing sessions for those who wish extra support and can design a personalized Jin Shin Jyutsu self help plan. Exercise that you love outdoors can help to disperse any extra energy stored as well. Yoga or Qi Gong can help too. Getting your bare feet on the earth or on some grass can help discharge superfluous energy. Finally make sure you are drinking enough pure water as this helps to ground us as well...at least 8 glasses a day during a solar flare period. Hope this helps you all....and I would love to hear from you as to what works and what you need further help with. A Votre Sante, Kaaren
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 18:45:17 +0000

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