Hi Betty Sanderson :) I have done a 3 Card General Reading for - TopicsExpress


Hi Betty Sanderson :) I have done a 3 Card General Reading for you. Have a lovely week :) card One represents : The Opportunity card Drawn : The Star Card Meaning : You have the opportunity to relax into a time of calm, healing and grace. Your heart is wide open and you deeply feel your connection to Source, to God, the Great Mystery, The Universe, etc. It is a most blessed time of hope and peace. Now is a good time to begin the practice of gratitude, of giving thanks. When our hearts are full, its easy to be thankful. If we begin the practice now, it will be easier to sustain when times are rough. Follow your star, for it will guide you home. Card Two represents : The Challenge Card Drawn : The Teacher Card Meaning : You are being challenged to learn in a new way, or to become a teacher to others. It may be that a new teacher will appear to you in disguise; Example : perhaps the weeds that grow along the roadside, or a heron feeding in the mud flats at low tide. The natural world around you has some of the most profound spiritual teachings you will ever encounter. Perhaps it is time to get to know your Place on this earth in a more intimate manner. Do you know the names of native plants in your area, and how the indigenous people used them? Do you know how to interpret the different calls and songs of the birds in your neighborhood? Do you know where the sun rises and sets on the horizon in summer and in winter? The Teacher calls you to become intimately acquainted with the natural world in the place where you live, as part of your spiritual practice. Card Three represents : The Resolution Card Drawn : The Magician Card Meaning : Resolution comes as you use your personal power in a responsible way. You have the ability to manifest your desires. You know how to enter sacred space and bring spiritual energy into the world of matter. You know how to focus your will and your passion towards a goal. Your creativity energizes you and blesses those around you. You align yourself with the heartbeat of the earth, and bring forth healing for the planet and all her creatures.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 02:33:42 +0000

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