Hi Everybody!! BRRRRRRRRR....I can feelz the cold through the - TopicsExpress


Hi Everybody!! BRRRRRRRRR....I can feelz the cold through the window andz I doesnt like it so I iz back snugglin with mom. Mom called me her little magpie cause I haz a big mouth and sitz on her shoulder! First, I askeded Rory what a magpie waz and he said itz a bird. I is not a bird! Somebody needs to teach mom her animals. I meanz, what if she brings in an elephant cause she thinkz itz a kitty! We haz to take care of this situation pretty quick. It could getz really crowded in here really fast. I doesnt think she could fit an elephant in the car but youz never know with herz. If one iz running loose and she can get a leash on it, shell bringz it homez! Iz feelin really good and mom still letz me sleepz with my heating pad. I lovez bedtime! I lovez gettin up and gettin my num numz, I lovez playin with everybody, most of all I lovez all of youz! If youz in the cold, like we iz, stay warm! If youz in the warm, enjoy it for the rest of us!! Luv & purrs, Maggie Mae. Make sure to wear your smile today. It warms hearts.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 18:12:06 +0000

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